If you are using cannabis and wondering why your good quality weed deteriorates its quality in a day or two. Remember, the issue is not related to cannabis quality. There are high chances for unfavorable marijuana storage conditions.
In this guide, we will discuss some common mistakes which are affecting your weed. So, read till the end and know the tips to keep your cannabis long-lasting.
1. Do Not Store Marijuana in the Freezer
In an extremely cold environment, buds lose their moisture. Therefore, never store marijuana in an extremely cold environment. Make sure, storing temperature must be between 32- 68 degrees F. Favorable temperature conditions keep the trichomes fresh and let you enjoy while vaping.
2. Do Not Use Open Storage Containers
Using storage containers without a lid or lose the lid, means you are allowing more light and air to pass through the plant. It puts a negative impact on weed quality. Therefore, always use cannabis storage containers that help to keep cannabis for long durations. Importantly, always place the container away from direct sunlight. Otherwise, you have to sacrifice potency, freshness, and taste. You can also use a dark shade container that can save cannabis from harsh climates.
3. Never Store Marijuana in Plastic Bags
Many people keep the marijuana in the manufacturer packing for a long duration. If you are too doing the same thing, it means you are doing a blunder. Plastic bags often have a static charge that attracts trichomes and affects leaf quality. So, plastic bags can be a temporary solution, not a permanent one. Buy ASAP good quality storage containers for cannabis and use for many days.
4. Avoid Marijuana Storage Near Electronic Appliances
All electronic appliances like TV, fridge, microwave or computer produce heat while working. Therefore placing marijuana near electronic devices can make them in emission heat which directly affects fresh buds and leaves and make them dry and dull.
5. Not Checking Weed Regularly
Sometimes people become overconfident about cannabis storage. Therefore, once they place cannabis in a jar, and do not bother for many years. Remember, you are making a big mistake. Always keep an eye on marijuana, check it once a week. If you see mold or other unwanted developments take protective measures as soon as possible.
6. Too much Manhandling During Storage
Touching and jostling marijuana can break the firm buds. Therefore, try to avoid excessive manhandling while preparing for storage. Take containers and add a small portion of weed without breaking the integrity of the flower. So, either buy an optimal quality of weed or buy another cannabis storage container.
7. Leaving Buds in a Pill Container
Placing marijuana buds in pill containers is a years-old technique. But it can be effective for a few days only, later storing cannabis in a pill container affects potency and lets it dry. Moreover, some newbies separate buds from leaves. It is also a bad idea, as separating them reduces life too.
Over to You!!
Following the above-mentioned tips helps you to store your favorite weeds for a longer time. Even you can save your lungs from coughing with improper bud storage. Happy Storage and enjoy your buds!!