Who are drug detector dogs?
You might have seen drug detector dogs when you go to airports, railway stations or any other security check place etc. These drug detector dogs are highly trained to use their superpowers to sniff odours of drugs or explosives or even lost humans.
Can drug dogs smell carts?

So Even after knowing this you still have a question in mind whether drug detector dogs can smell carts then the answer is obviously “yes”. Even small drug detector dogs can easily sniff and find out whether you have used tobacco or marijuana.
Let’s find out what drug detector dogs do when they find carts?
What are the signs drug detector dogs show?
Various ways are taught to dogs or dogs are trained to find out scents of any kind of drugs. But the accuracy level depends or varies from dog to dog and their capability or skills of detecting drug-related things.
How does a dog identify a particular scent?
The answer is dogs are first given a sample to smell the drug they want to find and when a dog gets any kind of smell or traces of that particular kind of drug they alert their handlers.
What do dogs do to alert their handlers?
Some dogs alert their handlers or touch sniff around that area where they seem to find drugs or even start barking train both They start digging the point from where they detect the drug odour. There are various breeds of dogs that are good at detecting drugs just the way few people are good at various things.
Which breeds of dogs are used for drug investigation?
Few dog breeds are known for their smelling abilities to find drugs like German Shepherd, bloodhound, beagles and Basset hounds etc. You might have seen these breeds being used for security checks.
What is the body language of dogs when they detect cart smell?

- Staring
- Alert
- Barking
- Sniffing
- Paw raised
- Ears up
- Jumping up
- Growling
What are the other signs which dogs show when they notice drugs?
- Digging
- Pawing at the location or the object
- standing in front of the object
- touching nose to the location
What is the history of dogs smelling carts?
We humans have taken full advantage of dogs for their detective nature. In the 1940s to detect German bombs, bomb-sniffing dogs were introduced. Dogs were even trained to detect drugs in the United States in the year 1970’s.
For what purposes are drug dogs used these days?
Today dogs are mostly used for detecting drugs, tobacco or other illegal things, These days dab pens are commonly used as a vaporizer by a lot of people around the globe. They are mostly used for inhaling nicotine or marijuana. Dogs are not used for finding out tobacco but if you are inhaling marijuana then dogs can definitely find you out.
Why are drug dogs not used for finding out marijuana these days?
But now as many people are using marijuana these days and the states and municipalities have also increased the legalization of the dogs are not being used as marijuana detectors anymore. Instead they are trained to find out heroin, cocaine, hard drugs, ecstasy and methamphetamine.
What is the science behind dog smelling dab pens or carts?
Dogs are pretty incredible in that they can smell around physical and to one lakh times better than us humans. Dogs can be easily trained to detect drugs through training because of their capabilities to detect drugs. The most important thing is to understand that it completely depends on the breed of dog.
How should the drug dogs be physically?
All though it depends upon the training they get they should have more strength, they must be fit, agile and hardworking. There are many dogs who get distracted and seem to be not interested in their jobs; those are not suitable for such serious jobs.
How are dogs trained to detect carts?

There is a training academy for dogs which is a non-profit organization named The National Narcotic Detector Dog Association which holds certificates for drug detection.
What are the uses of having a drug dog certificate?
Those certificates can be used for various qualifications like finding explosive devices, helping police units to find evidence of crimes, to search bodies of dead or criminals and for searching drugs. To receive the certificate through this organization you and your dog both must be a member of the Federal Armed Forces or Armed Force. If the dog is capable of finding cocaine and marijuana then the dog is provided with a standard certificate.
Are there any private organisations for training drug dogs?
Many private organizations train dogs for various other things like taking care of the house, businesses and training for parents. Even though this kind of training doesn’t come under National Narcotic Detector Dog Association, their training goes through or includes all the processes that are followed during the training that is held in National Narcotic Detector Dog Association.
Is there any organization for scent training for dogs?
Various organizations trainBoth local and private organizations takethat dogs for scent detection. If you are interested in training your dogs you can definitely contact them for the training process.
Are those only government organizations?
There are both local and private organizations who take care of such things.
Drug detector dogs can smell dab pens or carts easily but that completely depends on the breed of the dog and the training it has gone through. Drug detector dogs can easily detect cocaine and methamphetamine. Drug detector dogs can easily smell drugs even if you have covered very well drugs in plastic or anything else.
And dogs can even detect the smell even if the drug is dissolved in anything or carried in any other way. You might have even seen drug detector dogs working with police during festivals or main events.