Everyone who smokes weed knows how bad it tastes if the product isn’t fresh. As a result, preserving cannabis has been one of the major concerns since people started consuming it. So, what can be done to maintain its potency and quality? While many methods have been suggested over the years, we should note that not all of them work.
If your stash lacks moisture, some people say adding a slice of orange peel will regain its freshness. At first, this makes sense since when we think of oranges, we often think of health and lushness, implying that an orange peel would freshen your pot. But does it really work? A lot of myths about storing cannabis are out there, so we’re breaking down the most persistent ones. These are some dos and don’ts of weed storage.
Do Store Your Cannabis in a Weed Box
It’s a good idea to store your weed in some sort of sealable box. Weed boxes offer functional design and balanced humidity for your buds, preventing them from drying out. In addition, these boxes will maintain the quality of your weed by keeping them at the perfect humidity. In this way, your buds will retain their taste and freshness.
The boxes are a solution for preserving the flavor-loaded terpenes in your bud, making your cannabis last longer. They block out light and air, keeping weed mold-free. The boxes are typically padded for extra protection, and many models include storage space for carb caps, dabbers, and other basic dab tools. Furthermore, storage boxes with locking lids are available for added security.
Don’t Use Fruit Peels to Keep Your Weed Fresh
We’ve mentioned oranges earlier, so we’ll focus on this fruit. Since oranges have “moist” properties, people would assume that they can moisturize otherwise dry weed. However, one major issue arises in this scenario: mold.
Even if you use a peel from an orange that hasn’t molded, keep in mind that bacteria are naturally drawn to oil – and oranges excrete essential oil from orange flowers or orange peel. Consequently, bacteria will be drawn. So, introducing a bacteria-covered peel into a sealed bag of weed will promote mold growth, not just on the fruit peel but also on your weed. So, to summarize, fruit peels can refresh dry weed for up to 3 days at best, but you’re risking using potentially harmful mold growth, so it isn’t worth it.
Don’t Use Simple Mason Jars to Store Your Weed
There is a reason why people invented special containers for storing weed. An airtight jar indeed prevents the oxidation that can change a weed’s chemical profile. However, there are many things to consider if you put your stash in a jar that makes the process too complicated. You need to use a large container and fill it at least two-thirds with weed so there isn’t too much air, but no buds are crushed.
Light is the most crucial factor in the degradation of weed. And transparent jars will be exposed to light since you can’t store them in the fridge. Even indirect sunlight can affect the potency of your buds and cause them to degrade over time. So, storing your stash in a dark, light-proof container is the best way to keep its potency as long as possible.
Don’t Use a Cigar Humidor
At first glance, cigar humidors can look like a tempting option since they look nice and are widely available. But unfortunately, cigar humidors are typically unsuitable for weed storage.
Cigar humidors are often made of cedar, which contains oils that will eventually impart bad taste and flavor to the cannabis if stored for an extended period.
Tobacco can benefit from such flavors, but weed does not, as many people who have tried this storage method have eventually discovered. In addition, cigar humidors employ wet sponges to regulate humidity. But wet sponges don’t control the humidity, in fact, they give off as much water vapor as possible, which can oversaturate your weed.
Wrapping up
There are many myths surrounding cannabis storage, so you should be careful when choosing your method. Anyone who is a smoker understands how important it’s to keep the stash fresh. You can store cannabis in mason jars for a few days, but if you want to stash weed longer, you need to do it right. Get a weed stash box and enjoy your buds like a pro.