Those cannabis buds you’re holding in your hand are the end result of a lot of hard work. From growing and picking to curing and transporting, those little buds have embarked on a long, improbable journey – making their way to your stash.
Now, it’s your job to care for them properly. It’s your job to ensure they remain at their peak performance for as long as possible.
In this article, let’s explore cannabis storage. Are you storing it correctly, ensuring you properly hydrate your weed without over-hydrating, and saving it from the harmful effects of sun and air? Let’s find out.
What Not to Do
First, a quick note on what not to do. Don’t do nothing. Don’t let your cannabis languish in the same flimsy bag or loosely fitted canister in which you bought it. And, whatever you do, don’t leave it out near a bright window uncovered. It might seem tempting to show off your stash to guests, but open storage isn’t a favorable environment for cannabis.
How to Properly Store Cannabis
Proper cannabis storage means keeping your stash away from direct sunlight and open air and ensuring the RH (relative humidity) surrounding the cannabis stays between 58% and 62%.
On paper, it looks complicated. But in practice, it’s simple. Find a tightly sealed container – either a dedicated cannabis container or even a canning jar. Keep the container in a dark spot of your home, like a drawer, cupboard or closet. And pop a two-way moisture control pack in the container alongside your bud to ensure an accurate RH.
Why Keep Your Cannabis Fresh?
Having learned how to store cannabis correctly, you might be curious why it’s important. Cannabis is like any other plant or botanical. If you store it incorrectly, you run the risk of spoiling, desiccating or contaminating it.
Consider a cut rose. If you leave a rose out in the open air, it wilts, dries, and eventually loses its trademark scent. If you store it in a humid environment (like the kitchen), it might harbor mold. And, left among the elements, it might become home to some aphids or other creatures.
Cannabis is the same. To add to our little analogy, here are the central reasons why you should store your cannabis according to the method above:
- Potency: Studies show that cannabis exposed to open air and sunlight loses potency at a much faster rate than properly stored cannabis.
- Flavor: The terpenes in cannabis give it its hallmark flavour and aroma. Dry, low-RH environments wreak havoc on terpene-rich trichomes, leaving you with stale-tasting weed. Dialing in the RH with a moisture control pack protects your terpenes.
- Mold Inhibition: A two-way moisture control pack also ensures that the stash never over-humidifies. High-humidity environments are a breeding ground for mold spores.
- Contaminant Protection: Storing your stash in a tightly sealed container shields it from bugs, dust and other contaminants that you don’t want in your lungs.
- Burn: Lastly, fresh, hydrated cannabis burns better. By contrast, dry cannabis burns hot, sooty, harsh and fast.
In summary, while the urge to display your cannabis out in the open is understandable, it’s not the best course of action. Properly stored cannabis in an ideal RH will stay fresh, potent and flavorful for much longer.