Featured Image Credit: Emilykylenutrition.com
Cook Cannabutter in Crockpot – If you are a weed lover, you might already know that there are numerous ways in which you can consume weed and experience its euphoric effects. One such great method is consuming marijuana edibles.
The food items that have marijuana in them are known as marijuana edibles. Cookies, brownies, candies, chocolates, etc. are some of the examples of cannabis edibles.
But in most of these cannabis edibles, the most common ingredient is the Cannabutter. Cannabutter is a cannabis infused butter which can be further used to make cannabis edibles like Brownies, cakes, chocolates, etc. But making cannabutter is not as easy as it sounds.
Related read: How to Prepare Cannabutter Instant Pot in a Pressure Cooker?
Because of its psychoactive effects, the cannabis infused butter requires a little understanding as the flowers need to be heated slowly on a low flame. Thus, it takes longer for cannabutter to cook.
How Long to Cook Cannabutter in Crockpot?
If you are wondering, you can cook cannabutter in a crockpot. It will take quite long – over 2 to 3 hours to cook cannabutter in crockpot. This time is needed for the THC to pass into the melted butter by the means of heat. If you want to know how to cook cannabutter in crockpot, then keep reading further.
We have also answered some of the frequently asked questions regarding cooking cannabutter in crockpot below.
How to Cook Cannabutter in Crockpot?
Give below are the Ingredients your will need to cook cannabutter in Crockpot –
- Crock Pot
- ½ ounce of the weed you prefer
- Grinder/ Scissors
- 1 cup butter
- 2-3 cups water
- 16 oz canning jar having 2 lids
- Funnel
- Cheesecloth for straining
Step 1: Prep and Decarb the Weed
To start with, take a grinder or scissors and grind the cannabis such that it is fine but not powder like. Then put the cannabis in a heat proof glass and then put this vessel in the crockpot. Add water to the crockpot but do not let any of it go into the weed.
Fill in the water till halfway. Now switch on the crockpot either for 2 hours on high or 4 hours on low. In case your crockpot goes above 300 degrees, then take the low route.
Step 2: Add the Butter
After decarbing the weed, you will have to now add butter to the jar. By now, the water level in the crockpot will have gone down. So, add water to maintain halfway level. Now keep the temperature low and don’t increase the heat to do the process faster.
Step 3: Cook Cannabutter
Now cook the mixture on a low flame for 6 to 18 hours. The longer you will keep it, the more herbal flavor it will absorb. So, choose according to your needs. Once you are done cooking the mixture, let it cool down. Then using a funnel and a cheesecloth, strain it and put in a new jar. Voila! Your cannabutter is ready!
Also, you can read this: Edible Dosage Chart: Get it Right | 100MG is Too Much?
You can now use this cannabutter according to your needs.
Here are some of the frequently asked questions regarding cannabutter cooking in Crockpot –
What color should my cannabutter be?
Your cannabutter should be yellowish green in color.
Why isn’t my cannabutter green?
At times your cannabutter might not turn green. But this does not mean that it is not potent. However, it does indicate that you have cooked the cannabutter for too long. So, make sure to keep a check on the cooking time of cannabutter in crockpot.
How long does Cannabutter smell last?
What is a weed without its smell? It is this smell through which you can understand if the cannabutter has lasted well. Generally, cannabutter will last up to 6 months if stored well. But it can definitely spoil at one time.
How do you make Cannabutter without smelling the house?
You can make cannabutter without smelling the house by putting it in oven for 20 minutes at 215F and make sure to stir it occasionally. Every 10 minutes would be a good idea to open the jar and let out any pressure that has built in it. You can take the jar outside to let it burp thus reducing the smell in the house.