Speak to any cannabis consumer, and they’ll tell you that none of them liked it when they were “too high”. Maybe they smoked too much in one go, or the edible was stronger than it appeared. Perhaps it was your first time consuming such an intense amount. There are many ways it can happen, and when it does, it can all lead to a very confusing, and yes, very stressful situation.
What to do when you’ve experienced this high-level of “high” (no pun intended) is paramount, so you can avoid getting yourself into trouble or turn you off the product completely. With help from our resident cannabis dispensary in Bud Bar, let’s take a look at six ways you can get over your high.
Why Does It Take So Long To Sober Up?
Firstly, to clarify, there is no distinct time period in which your high might slow down. There are various factors that will impact your high and how long it takes to sober up, including the method of consumption, the amount of the dosage, the strain and strength of the cannabis, and the person’s individual variables. Unfortunately, there is no clear-cut answer.
But for the sake of this discussion, on average, the cannabis high can last between 30 minutes to 2 hours at its peak. In some cases, it can last longer. Remember that there are ways around it.
1) Don’t Hit The Panic Button
Let’s start with the most obvious yet most unused response: do not panic. Panicking makes everything worse, and when you’re high, it’s going to elevate your symptoms way more than expected.
Now, this is easier said than done when the moment comes, so there are three helpful pointers to that take when it does happen:
- Prepare yourself before you take cannabis. Ensure that you are conscious of the possibilities of getting too high and not hitting the panic button. This can help control yourself if it does happen.
- Remember that the feeling will eventually pass; trust us. You won’t be high forever, and the moment will fade away over time.
- No one has ever died of a cannabis overdose. So you’re fine.
2) Start Consuming…Lots of Water
Hydration is key to mitigate the high. You have to drink lots of water as it will slowly alleviate the high. But you don’t drown yourself in water; just follow the simple and familiar act of sipping and swallowing. Sip a little, take a break, sip some more.
This will help you combat dry mouth and help the high you’re experiencing.
As an important note, and we cannot stress this enough: “do not drink alcoholic beverages”. That’s going to lead you down a dark path where alcohol will mess up your experience. Avoid it at costs.
3) Start Snacking
Much like drinking water, snacking can help you calm down your high. This works two ways: the food will slowly absorb the high while you’ll be distracted by eating something delicious.
Don’t go for junk food, BTW. That’s going to make you feel gross and sick later on, so stick to relatively healthy food (not to sound like a downer). You can try the following snacks, such as fruits, nuts, or cheese, and crackers.
4) Make Use of Black Pepper
Consider this the “old wives tale” to help combat your cannabis high. Grab your black pepper and either 1) sniff it or 2) chew a few pieces. This can help provide you with instant relief, apparently, and it’s worth a try if you feel like it’s worth it. Even music legend Neil Young says it works a treat!
5) Distract Yourself With Fun Stuff

Let’s face it; fun stuff keeps you motivated and distracted. So the same logic applies to when you’re high as a kite. Keeping yourself distracted is a sure-fire way to simply forget about your high, and let’s you focus on your mind elsewhere.
Here are some ways that can distract you from your high:
- Watch a funny or action-packed movie or TV series (avoid serious dramas or thrillers, it can be a little too much for you)
- Listen to your favourite music beats. Chill back and get entwined with the music.
- Play a video game that keeps your focus. Once again, keep it fun and light. We’re talking Mario, Crash Bandicoot, not Gods of War or Grand Theft Auto.
- Try coloring as a calming activity (yes, this will seriously help you).
- Talk to your friends (hopefully, they’re next to you)
Whatever you feel works for you, do it. Make sure it’s something you’re familiar with, comfortable and gives you some cozy support. Your brain will zone in on the positive feelings by the distraction and lesser your high.
6) Try Some CBD To CounterAct The High
This might seem counterintuitive, but it works! Try some CBD cannabis to counter the effects of the high. As CBD is an excellent anxiety-fighting compound (great for relaxing the body, too), it can help people when they are suffering from a high from too much THC.
This is not to say that you should go crazy and start having more cannabis. You just need a little bit of CBD, perhaps in vape or smoke form, so you can feel the effects quicker and more immediately. Just don’t overdo it, as you might make your experience even worse.
Make sure that you have complete CBD products (check out Full Spectrum CBD here) on hand when the moment calls for it. You won’t regret it.
Seek Advice When Needed
If you feel that you are completely in the rut and struggling with the high, you can call medical services or visit your doctor. They can advise you on the best course of action to reduce your high and cannabis-induced panic attack.
As for preventing this from happening again: speak to your local Cannabis dispensary expert. Explain what happened, what you had and what you want to experience in the future. As experts in legal cannabis products, they can guide and educate you on what products can help avoid this situation and what to do next time you’re “too high”.