Rick and Morty is one of the highest-rated tv shows on IMDB today. It has a devoted base of disciples that would make Game of Thrones fans seem cheap. Owing to the ongoing trend, McDonald’s even carried out their old Szechuan sauce for one day, though at a few locations only, to celebrate this hilarious show. Since the time of its release, Rick and Morty has established a huge fan base consisting of stoners.
And why not, the spooky nature of its each episode served along with perfectly timed comedy does the trick on millions. The fictional world is loaded with insane drugs that aren’t even practical. Be it Moloko drug from A Clockwork Orange or HFS intoxicant, fictional drugs always look tacky and cool in a casual and fun way. But nobody is even closer to the inconceivable universe of drugs in Rick and Morty.
Now from like ages ago, weed lovers have picked up their favorite things to pair with getting stoned, so as to make their experience more fun and unique. As bong is probably the most advertised form of taking cannabis, it follows the trend by having characters like Rick and Morty, which are widely crazed by weed consumers.
Even cartoons of our childhood like Scooby Doo have catered to the stoner views, so it’s entirely possible that this bizarre yet cool culture became forever engraved in our world. As a matter of fact, you can find rolling kits, marijuana vape pens, and even cannabis bongs, describing the character as cool and self-righteous.

What Is Rick and Morty Spice Grinder?
Rick and Morty is basically a cartoon series that is based on a family who is visited by their grandpa Rick to avail of some help. Seeing that, Rick’s daughter Beth, welcomes him with open arms and so the story of the weird scientific discoveries and adventures starts to shape. The series mainly revolves around the grandfather and son team Rick and Morty as they make their journey through bizarre multiverses and bring unbelievably quirky discoveries along the way, mostly in an attempt to avoid impending death.
But people mostly fall in love with the unique comedic aspect of Rick and Morty as the patriarch male character has been brought frequently in its episodes and taken from other such series like American Dad. But usually, people cannot comprehend how it endorses the cannabis culture, catering to a huge audience of stoners since marijuana has never been shown or talked about in the show.
Why Rick and Morty Are So Often Associated With Marijuana Use?
We know that there is no actual relation of cannabis in Rick and Morty, then why does the world have a huge selling number of cool Rick and Morty bongs. If you want to know that, you have to look at the show with a keener eye and then you’ll realize the number of spooky drugs that are consumed and even endorsed in Rick and Morty.
To name a few, Mega Seeds, Kalaxian Crystals, Alien Pheromones, Worm Hole Tripping, and Rick Potion #9, but this is just the tip of the iceberg. There has never been a show so much into drugs as Rick and Morty. And watching many of these drugs reminds the weed smokers of the classic trip of getting high on cannabis for the first couple of times.

And if you can’t relate it being a non-consumer of weed, you can enjoy the funny after-effects of the characters using those drugs and doing stupid things like dancing and singing and a huge amount of laughing that’s related to the typical buzz phase. So those who do not take any kinds of drugs can simply take it as a hilarious and entertaining show of watching someone get high and committing the stupidest things.
If you already possess a Rick and Morty bong, then this is all just old news for you, but if you are among those who are yet untouched by this unique culture and have always been seeing the fictional characters on bongs in your local shops with confusion and curiosity, now you know why they are where they are.
Every cartoon character that you’ll come across on marijuana paraphernalia is there because it’s somehow, even remotely, related to the usage of drugs. After all, humans have always looked and searched for a state of mind that’s enjoyable and a little higher than normal, and this has been in the civilization for ages, just modifying as the era changes.
What To Expect From Rick and Morty( No Spoilers)

Rick and Morty is a sitcom for adults that spans a total of four seasons and has overall 41 episodes. Apart from comedy which is the main selling point of this show, you can find some good irony, pop-culture reminiscence, as well as cynicism.
It even stretches to gentle nihilism at times and can make the audience uncomfortable with some dark episodes. But these are the very attributes that make people go crazy over Rick and Morty. The key is in the balance as the show balances all these genres almost flawlessly. So in a nutshell, it is worth watching.
You can see some fabulous voice acting here, despite Rick’s constant burping habit. And the hint of sci-fi makes the show appeal to the tech and science geeks. Moreover, the introduction of aliens, multiverses, and cross-dimension travel packed up in a quirky but bone-tickling story make Rick and Morty one of the most popular shows in today’s times. So this is a show worth watching and it is up to the audience how they take the show, laugh it out or begin some serious ban movement.
Some Insane Drugs from Rick and Morty
1) Kalaxian Crystals (K-lax)
Klaxian Crystals have been shown as a dangerous high quality drug that’s quite abundant. Aberdolph Lincler even died attempting to get them, but Rick didn’t care as he desperately wanted the Klaxian Crystals. Although it did not give him a good trip, we see Rick’s eyes turn turquoise, and he simultaneously makes up a song and dances to it.
But Klaxian Crystals do not have a long-lasting effect, and before their true nature can be discovered, Morty takes them away and dumps them to end Rick’s party.
2) Perspective Enhancing Alien Pheramones
There wasn’t much talk about the Perspective Enhancing Alien Pheramones (PEAP), but anybody can gather that they are to be taken using a laser hooka and they have an uncanny resemblance to weed. They are said to be very powerful in the show, but sadly the creators did not show any character consuming them and what happens to them afterward. Rick brings these pheramones as a result of a feud between him and the U.S.A. President.
So he gathers diplomats from Israel and Palestine to a Star Wars cantina, and they consume Rick’s drugs and end up signing the Kind of Obvious if You Think About It Accords, bringing the conflict to closure.

3) Mega Seeds
Mega Seeds have raised questions worth debating among the show’s dedicated fanbase, and these debates are kinda never-ending. We see in the first episode itself, Rick telling Morty that he needs these seeds for some kind of research but then that is it. Because of this vague description, the Rick and Morty fans have been debating each other.
They even came up with fan theories suggesting that the smartness and intelligence Rick has is because of his abstinence from alcohol and instead, he takes Mega Seeds in the form of juice every day. Well, we’ll keep debating on that one, but what we can gather about Mega Seeds is that if inserted rectally, they will give a sort of superintelligence until the dose is all consumed.
But that doesn’t mean this drug doesn’t have a con; Mega Seeds take about 72 hours to wash down the effects and produce agonizing pain in the consumer’s body, creating a complete loss of consciousness for that time.
4) Rick Potion No. 9
This drug seems like the safest option in the whole Rick and Morty series as Rick made it himself. But even Rick Potion No.9 doesn’t come without its side effects like morty pickle. And man, are they terrible! Rick made it so that his grandson could be fancied by his crush. But because his crush was suffering from a cold at the time she consumed these drugs, the effects spread throughout the school and onto the whole world.
And it gets worse; as Rick tries to undo this disaster, he ends up transforming all the people into detesting creatures called Cronenberg monsters.
5) Worm Hole Tripping
This is my favorite one. When Rick passes across a wormhole, accompanied by Jerry and a murderous alien on a spaceship that is without protection; they get into a group psychedelic experience, with their consciousnesses fusing with each other and with time at the same instant. The trip they get is kinda like a salvia trip, although weirder.
Except for Rick, this crazy adventure seemed to change everyone for a time. Rick even goes out to state and point out the fact that cosmic apotheosis fades away faster than salvia. So in the end, he kills the alien with a bullet in his face.

Rick and Morty Smoking Weed Episodes To Watch Stoned
Now every stoner has a list of things they want to do while getting stoned, and binge-watching is on the list most of the time. But you can’t just watch any show while you’re high, you have to pick out the best series to watch that’ll fit with your trippy state. If you don’t have one in mind presently, then today is your lucky day. Rick and Morty certainly deserves the top position in your stoner binge-watch list.
Well, the show has a unique place in the hearts of cannabis users as it is downright trippy and unbelievably hilarious. You might even think that their writers get stoned just like you, to have written such a bizarre, mind-boggling show. It is a rare show and has a huge stoner audience, and if you tune into the first season, you’ll know why.
But if you don’t have the patience of going through the whole series, here’s a list of some amazing Rick and Morty episodes that you can directly watch when you are high.
Total Rickall (S2E4)
Starting from the first scene itself, this episode spreads the fun story by introducing a brand new character, a family friend so to speak. And it is just the start as newer characters begin to storm Rick’s house and make the storyline bizarrely funny. With so much chaos, the episode makes for a remarkable time and gets spookier gradually. It kicks in with the scene of Rick’s family having breakfast as they do every day, but today with Jerry’s brother.
Though he is not an actual brother but a parasite who Rick shoots as we navigate through the episode. Then Rick makes his family aware of what is going on which then forms into a death escape kind of situation inside the house. Parasites hog their house and the family has to unite together in order to fight them and identify who is an actual parasite and who is just with fake memories.
Though we should warn you, the whole episode is very funny but as the ending approaches, it gets a bit dark and can kill your trippy mood so you have to extend your hand for more stuff to lighten it.
Pickle Rick (S3E3)
How famous is this Rick and Morty pickle episode is, even if you don’t watch Rick and Morty, your ears must have heard this popular phrase, “I’m Pickle RIIICK!!!” at some point in your life. You’ll have to use your imagination while watching this episode so it’s a perfect match for getting high, even brings back the memories of playing with action heroes when you were growing up.
In this episode, Rick invents a mech suit that resembles quite a bit of that of aliens in Rick and Morty’s world. You should definitely watch this Rick and Morty pickle episode while stoned, because, there is no other way to understand what Morty pickle is all about!

Morty’s Mind Blowers (S3E8)
If you are looking for a series of good jokes back to back so you can’t even catch your breath laughing at them, this is the episode! But you’ll have to use a little bit of your trippy brain in order to connect those little stories to a meaningful conclusion. If you want to know what all the fuss is about Rick and Morty, this episode is the ideal example.
There has never been a show so much into drugs as Rick and Morty. And watching many of these drugs reminds the weed smokers of the classic trip of getting high on cannabis for the first couple of times.
In the episode, Morty wants Rick to remove a room full of his memories but Rick doesn’t deliver, everything starts to turn upside down as a result of Rick’s attempts of putting those memories back in Morty’s brain. This amazing episode is iced with jokes all over so one thing is for sure, you won’t get bored at any time and can also smoke some extra stash so as to stay in the high zone. Wait for the time when Rick and Morty return to the couch with House Hunters on and hunt for anthropomorphic houses.
The Vat of Acid Episode (S4E8)
This episode has a twofold meaning of herb grinder. It shows the bad nature of our main character Rick and also puts the other main character Morty in the limelight. You can actually see his growth as Morty thrives to become more independent. But of course, you can catch some good comedy like wubba lubba dub in this episode and get a Rick and Morty poster related to this episode too.
Mort Dinner Rick Andre (S5E1)
This episode takes you back to wondering if you’ve seen something like this, and you’re right, it’s Narnia. As Morty unfolds a world that has been built off of the previous generation, and so on, this turns out to be a century-long adventure with the portal gun.
The plot and storyline are amazingly written and this can blow your trippy mind and make you reach another kind of zone like Morty pickle rick. Just like little Morty reached the stash box on silver buffalor. Everything is perfect in this episode and packaged together really well.

The Rickshank Redemption(S3E1)
Anyone who has seen this episode will appreciate how incredible they gave this third season a start. It simply couldn’t be better. At the starting part, Rick is seen to be exposing a Galactic Federation agent that has told Rick that his brain will turn to liquid the moment he finishes taking details from him. So Rick revisits all his memories one last time as he’s about to lose them forever, all the while Morty accompanying his family on earth.
Interdimensional travel is shown in this episode as Morty goes to find and bring back Rick but finds too many ‘Ricks’. As the episode unfolds, mysteries start to appear, and overall, this is a fabulous episode and you must watch it. You’ll regret it if you don’t.
The Ricklantis Mixup(S3E7)
This episode is for the people who like politics, as you’ll witness what all Rick and Morty save and how often they touch their limits. Started as a regular trip to Atlantis, the story twists, and Rick and Morty end up in Citadel for god know what. Well, this episode is a reminder of some of the crucial political issues going on in America.
With a portrayal of underdeveloped societies in a way that is apparent to the show’s theme, the writers have done a great job to spread some political awareness. This amazing episode is iced with jokes all over so one thing is for sure, you won’t get bored at any time and can also smoke some extra stash so as to stay in the high zone.
Few Other Good Episodes Worth Mentioning of Rick and Morty Smoking Weed
Meseeks & Destroy (S1E5)
This episode from Rick and Morty is quite memorable for most the fans because of an interdimensional cable shown in the episode. There is just so much comedy and wondering that this episode last in the minds of the audience. Plus the limelight shifted to a weird new character and to the Morty mystery box fun gift scene makes it even more worthwhile to watch.
Vindicators (S3E4)
One unique thing about trippy Rick and Morty is that its conclusion is always unanticipated just when you make your opinion about it. Nobody can guess which way are they making the episode go until they want you to see it. So to handle the burden of the duo’s criticism, the superheroes play their part.
They judge the story the whole time and make funny remarks at the same time. And to top all that, they bring about an unthinkable perspective into the picture which is much more fun than it sounds.

Close Rickcounters of Rick Kind (S1E10)
This episode from Justin Roiland makes you wonder whose brain it is that writes such complex yet funny episodes. Just when you think you’re starting to comprehend the bizarre concepts that rule Rick and Morty, the writers change it around. That’s why the show can never appear to be monotonous in the anatomy park.
The storyline takes this episode to a whole new class where Rick uses a type of dipping sauce to create a kind of CBD oil to get high. There are some Morty rolling tray and gift set available related to this episode.
Auto Erotic Assimilation (S2E3)
You have probably made up your mind about Rick. But give this episode a chance to turn it around, as it shows the good and generous side of Rick. There are many fan art related to Rick pickle and sci fi weed Rick gift cards can be found out there. This episode is quite different from the rest of the season and will speak to you in a way that you’ll be hooked to watching the team again and again.
Final Words
Though we have made a proper list of episodes to watch when you get high, we recommend you don’t miss a single episode of this amazing series. And the best way of watching Rick and Morty is when you’re out of your senses, really in the United States. Moreover, the introduction of aliens, multiverses, and cross-dimension travel packed up in a quirky but bone-tickling story make Rick and Morty one of the most popular shows in today’s times.
You can always watch the whole season to satisfy your curiosity or buy Rick and Morty weed accessories for smoking weed. Or you can go through our list and have more fun in less time, get the best jewels. And with a few puffs of your top-quality stash, you can imagine being on the team with Rick and Morty and going through the bizarre adventures with them. Just grab your natural hemp, have some Morty stash, and fall over a comfortable couch to binge the Ricky and Morty episodes because you’re not getting up once it starts.