Weed Tattoos Designs – Getting inked sound cool right, well tattoos are not cool for only this generation rather it’s a very ancient idea in olden times people also used to get inked, The only things which has changed in so many years is the craze for tattoos, technology and meanings of the tattoos.
Well the meanings totally based on the person who is getting inked, but in ancient time people used to you opt for the traditional tattoos but now thanks to technology people can get any sort of tattoo whether it’s about the size texture or color of the tattoo design.
Tattoo is a thing which attracts almost every age group of people whether they are in their 20s,30s or 50s they can get which ever marijuana tattoo is meaningful for them from their perspective.
A lot of people choose to break the stereotypes through getting inked, they speak a lot without saying a single word.
WEED TATTOOS are also one of these stereotypes which people wants to break whether its about its legalization or their likability. A lot of people get weed tattoo because they support it or they might can have their own other perspectives about it.
Here are some tattoo ideas, meanings and designs of weed Tattoos you can get.
Significance of Weed Tattoos
Is getting a marijuana tattoo a good idea? Weeds which are nothing but herbs used for medicinal properties, used by doctor for ages to treat different sort of ailments.
But still this weed herb has been banned many countries of the world for commercial use because of that abuse substance associated with it, that is why selling weed illegally is a huge underground business, and it is smoothly running in many parts of the world.
Because of the ban it can’t be used for it medicinal properties either. A lot of people opt protesting for uplifting the ban while there are some other people who are getting tattoos to oppose the ban and show their support to the legalization of weed herbs.
The other aspect of getting weed tattoo is the followers of Rastamansakaya Culture, the purpose of getting tattoo is to differentiate themselves from the rest of the people in world, and it also helps them to highlight their own world.
They usually engrave a hemp leaf, to show their self spiritually enlightened and their rich inner life. They consider themselves to be different and so they have different views and perspectives from general people.
The third kind of people who get weed tattoo engraved, are the people who challenge the stereotypes, traditions and the norms of the society and associate these tattoos with freedom.
They are not the followers of any sort of tribe neither they are protestors or social workers.
Meaning of Weed Tattoos
We cannot decide that what other’s perspective is about weed tattoos people can have their own things in their mind behind getting these tattoos but there are some preset meanings of weed tattoos which you might can relate to your perspective of getting a weed tattoo.
Freedom– for a lot of people getting a weed tattoo, is showing that they prefer freedom instead following the preset bonds and stereotypes of the society, these kind of people live their life on their own terms.
Religion– there is a religion Rastafarian mostly followed by African people, the don’t see weed as party, fun or drug rather than use it for its medicinal properties; Sacrament, meditation, and to gain wisdom. They use Marijuana (ganja) for religious ceremonies.
They even have their own symbol, a flag with red, yellow and bright green color with a lion in the mid of the flag.
Peace, Love, and Hope– There was a movement in 60s by hippies, they were promoting Peace, love, and support. They used weed as the symbol of their movement.
Support– people also engrave weed tattoos because they want to show their support to the legalization of weed or they might be supporting any other movement having weed as their movement’s symbol. Because there are a lot of movements in which weed or cannabis has been used as their symbol.
420– 420 is directly associated with the weed in the form of memes / jokes because for vaporing weed, it has to be baked on 420°. It can also be used as a secret message for weed lovers.
Marijuana Tattoo Designs
It should be the choice of the person who is getting inked there are a lot of different marijuana tattoo designs you can opt for some of them are listed below.
- Leaf- leaf is pretty trending and cool for weed tattoo lovers, it is easily recognizable and common as well. This marijuana leaf tattoo design is more preferable by weed supporters because it also shows the sign of peace. Leaf tattoo can have more than one leaf it’s the choice of person who is getting inked For a fact we can’t smoke the marijuana leaf directly, still people get this design inked the most.
- Plants or Buds- It is pretty similar to leaf design but still there are difference which we can observe easily. It should be a person’s choice what they want a lead or a bud both tattoos look really great. You can get a colored tattoo to make it look much better than the leaf tattoo as color can give it more realistic appearance.
- Smoking Paraphernalia- If you want to get more direct tattoo without any hidden meaning than you should go for the elements or objects we use while smoking weed such as bongs, pipes, and joints as it would give a Smokey and authentic look to your marijuana tattoo.
- Script-people who love tattoos but want to keep it simple and small can go for script design, there are many quotes and slogans tending which are associated with weed or cannabis some of them are: High Life, Stoner, high love you, marriage you wanna, you are my best BUD, I weed You etc. This list is too long you can add others slogans or scripts as per your likeability.
- Bob Marley-Bob Marley was a great musician and also a supporter of hippie culture. He was considered to be the greatest promoter of cannabis, he used to talk about the positive affects of weed when he was alive. As per his thoughts weed was much better than the legalized alcohol.
- Chemical structure-Getting a chemical structural tattoo of drug is trending now a days people get inked different chemical structures of their favorite drugs some of them are; oxytocin, serotonin, MDMA etc. If you are a marijuana lover than you should go for the chemical structure of tetrahydrocannabinol (cannabis in general language).
These were some common and trending designs people usually opt for, if you are ready with the type of design you want to see inked on your skin then the next step is to choose the placement of that tattoo. Here are some ideas mentioned below for both male and female.
Marijuana Tattoo Placement Ideas
Placements of tattoos are basically decided by its size. If it’s small then go for a smaller body part with limited surface so that it can complement that body parti.e., ankle, ear, fingers, knuckles, nape of the neck etc.
If you want to increase these size little bit you can do that by changing body parts from smaller to moderate such as wrist, shoulder or other body parts. Getting small tattoos on these body parts would make tattoo look better.
If you have chosen as large tattoo than you should go for body places such as chest, back, arms, legs, etc. Because large tattoos give an aesthetic and realistic look to the marijuana tattoo for that it should be on an open and wide surface.
People usually choose Leaf for marijuana tattoo design, and tattoo artists uses green color to give it a realistic appearance, but if you want you ask your tattoo artist to add some different design with different colors to get an aesthetic texture and truthful appearance.
The members of Rastafarian tribe used red, blue and yellow color for leaf tattoo. And for chemical structure you can use black color because it is the common one and also looks better but that doesn’t mean you can’t have a colorful chemical structural tattoo, you can try gradient shades to make it look more cool.
If your color is fair then you can have colorful tattoos and if your skin is dark then you should go for basic black, white, neon colors or glow in dark tattoos.
Best Placements For Weed Tattoo Designs for Men and Boys
The most common place where men and boys get tattoos are arms, chest, shoulder, back, legs etc. You can choose any place where you are comfortable to get tattoos.
These placements are not Same for every one as each one of us has different body types, pain receptors, and ability to tolerate the pain so one should choose the place of the tattoo as per their ability to bear pain.
Best Placements For Weed Tattoo Designs for Women and Girls
The most common place where women and girls prefer to get tattoos are neck, shoulder and areas nearby arms, well there are a lot of ladies who loves experimenting with tattoos if your are also like these ladies then you should also try these places; thigh, navel, calf, lower back, ankles and places near bust.
If your body is more sensitive and you feel more pain than normal then don’t get any marijuana tattoo on sensitive place go for commonly used places.
The basic idea of getting a weed tattoo is to show support for weed or other such movements rather than having a weed tattoo just for aesthetics.
Here is the list of weed tattoo designs you can choose as per your likeability.
Related Keywords: Leaf marijuana, cannabis, marijuana tattoo
Tribal Weed Tattoo Designs
- This design is unisex both can have it. It’s a pretty cool tribal design which is evergreen, tribal design are still trending. It is inspired by the tribal lifestyle of Americans. It is a leaf marijuana design.
This pattern looks like fire also. The reason behind its popularity is its unconventional design. This tattoo will look better if you will get it inked on the small parts of your body such as finger, ankle, behind the ear, etc.
source of picture: Pinterest
- Tribal tattoo designs include this one also, basically this is a hot weed tattoo but it resembles a lot of other things in simple words we can say it is a weed tattoo with a lot of hidden meanings. So, if you love these kind of tattoos you can go for it. It’s an unisex weed tattoo design whether you are man or woman you can have it.
source of picture: Pinterest
- This one is the same marijuana tattoo listed above the only difference is, this one is more textured and colorful if you want you can get it inked on the large surface area of your body such as your arm, back, shoulder, leg, etc. Because of its colors it look more aesthetic and practical and it will look good if it will cover more surface area on your body. Whether you are dark or fair you can have it as it colors are vibrant and it won’t look fade out or too dark on any sort of skin type. It represents the marijuana leaf.
source of picture: Pinterest
- This one is also a part of tribal tattoo designs it will look more good on females because of its feminine design, though it is well textured and looking very pretty, but you can’t have it on larger surface areas of your body as it will look more pretty in small sizes so, you can have it on your wrist or on your ankle.
source of picture: Pinterest
- This one is pretty simple in comparison to other tattoos listed in tribal tattoo design’s list. It is also meant for small places you can get it end on smaller body parts where ever you want.
source of picture: Pinterest
Skull Weed Tattoo Designs
It is pretty clear from the title that skull weed tattoos are meant for boys that doesn’t mean girls can have it on their skin but its appearance is more masculine than feminine.
- It is very clear from the picture that this tattoo is meant for boys, it should be get in on large surface areas of your body such as on your chest, back, arm, leg, etc. It is looking very pretty and it needs a lot of patience, creativity and experience to ink this sort of tattoo so it will be better if you will go for an experienced tattoo artist. Not only its color but the shadows of the leaves are looking fabulous its appearance is very aesthetic and realistic.
Source of Picture: Pinterest
- This one isn’t a badass rather it is giving a feminine look that mean girls or women can get this weed tattoo design in on their skin it will look good in small sizes that mean you can have it on your ankle, finger, wrist, etc.
Source of picture: Pinterest
- It is also meant for smaller size tattoos it doesn’t give any feminine vibe that mean boys can get it Inked.
Source of picture: Pinterest
- This one is also meant for smaller places as it won’t look good if you will get it in on the larger surface areas of your body. If you will get it on your ankle it will look pretty good and it is giving a masculine vibe boys can get it Inked easily.
Source of picture: Pinterest
- This design is meant for large surface areas of your body you can get it inked on your back, arm, leg, chest as it is colorful it would give more aesthetic and realistic appearance boys can have it on larger body parts, while girls can have it on the smaller body parts such as wrist or ankle.
Source of picture: Pinterest
- It’s all very basic and simple design boys can have it on their hands or legs, It would look more good in small sizes.
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- This one is colorful and giving A more realistic and aesthetic appearance as it is well textured you can get it inked on the larger surface areas your body Such as your back, shoulder, chest or you can have it on any part of your body if you want to be experimental with the tattoos.
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- It is pretty clear from its appearance that it is meant for girls but that doesn’t mean boys can’t have it. This should be your choice that what kind of tattoo you want to get inked on your skin. Though it is colorful but still it will look good in smaller size such as you can have it on your wrist or on your ankle and if you want you can get it inked on your neck
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Plant or Bud Weed Tattoo Design
It is the most opt out option for weed tattoo lovers if you want to get a direct tattoo without any hidden meaning of that, then you should try cannabis plant or bud weed tattoo designs, bud and weed tattoo designs are not boring you can have a lot of interesting, aesthetic and realistic designs. Some of them listed below with description.
- This is a couple plant based tattoo it is basically the leaf of weed with the different textures you can get this tattoo in with your partner. The weird couple in the picture get this tattoo end on their butt but you can get it in or any other part of your body such as your ankle, thigh, finger, etc.
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- This is a very basic and small tattoo design in this picture there are two hands rolling joints this tattoo is unisex whether you are man or woman you can get it end on your smaller body parts as it isn’t meant to cover the larger body parts, for a change you can also have this marijuana tattoo in couple with your friends or with your partner.
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- It is very clear from the picture that this hot design is meant for girls, as it is givinga feminine vibe, it will look good if you get it inked in smaller size you can get it inked on any part of your body such is your thigh, near bust area, calf etc.
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- This is a simple basic designs meant for both men & women you can have it on any part of your body as it is script based tattoo and it has two meanings. The green colored leaf is showing the cannabis plant and its wave is giving the significance of the sea.
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- It is a very pretty, colorful and aesthetic looking tattoo both genders can get it inked in smaller size. Though it is colorful but it is not meant for covering the larger surface areas of your body you can get it inked on your wrist shoulder, thigh, ankle, etc.
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- Its appearance is more sort of an old manuscript it is only meant for your arm, the wearer in this picture got this tattoo inked on his arm. You can’t have it on any other part of your body as it won’t complement that part of your rather it won’t look good enough. This is an unisex tattoo design which anyone can get it and it won’t look good if you would try to get this design in colors, still if you want to get in colors then try to give it a wooden sort of look.
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- This is a very elegant and aesthetic weed tattoo design you can get it inked on your arm or on your ankle is it is not giving a masculine vibe that mean only girls can get it inked on their skin. The wearer in this picture got this inked on her ankle If you want to be experimental with this tattoo you can also get it end behind your ears because girls usually love to get tattoos there.
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- This is a rhombus shaped plant based weed tattoo design. This tattoo design is meant for boys you can have it on your arm or on your back just below the neck, the weird in this picture got this tattoo inked on his hand above his elbow. It’s a well textured design, you can also get it inked on your calf.
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- This weed tattoo design’s appearance is very aesthetic and realistic. Just from its coverage area and the shades, one can easily get that the this weed tattoo design is meant for boys you can get it inked on your arm and on you calf as well.
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- This is a spiral plant based tattoo design as its showing the leaf and the buds of weed, just because of its spiral design you can only get this end on any joint of your body such as your shoulder, elbow or knee. This design is meant for men, the wearer in this picture got this weed tattoo design inked on his shoulder.
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- Glow in dark tattoos are trending from past few years people who love glow in dark bands, shoes, T- shirts should also give a try to glow in dark tattoos. It’s very clear from the picture that these tattoos glow in dark and give an aesthetic look. Both Boys & girls can get this tattoo inked On that body parts which are not very much sensitive such as your hands and legs.
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- This is a rhombus aesthetic and realistic weed tattoo design meant for boys and men. because of its rhombus shape you can only get it on your calf, on your arm, or on your back just below your neck. as it won’t look good on any other body part. The wearer in this picture got this weed tattoo design inked on his arm.
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- This is a unisex basic weed tattoo design both boys and girls can get it inked on any part of their body as it will look good in small size as well as in large size the wearer in this picture got This plant based weed tattoo design inked on his arm, this is basically a cannabis bud burning which signifies that the weed is getting baked.
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- This plant based weed Tattoo Design is meant for girls as it’s color and appearance are feminine. The wearer in this picture got this weed tattoo design inked on her waist. The shade of purple and pink with black is giving an aesthetic appearance to this basic tattoo, as it is small in size if you want you can get this marijuana tattoo on the same place as the wearer or else you can get it on your ankle, wrist or near bust area.
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Tattoo of chemical composition of Weed
This is also a trending design which people are opting for you can try a molecular structure of weed as a tattoo, there are a lot of drugs whose molecular structure as tattoos are available and people are loving it.
- It’s pretty amusing to see that how the structure of human DNA got combined with the chemical composition of weed (Marijuana).
The best part about this tattoo that it is a watercolor tattoo which is in trend both girls and boys can get this design inked on their skin, it will look better on arms, back and chest.
- It’s pretty amusing to see that how the structure of human DNA got combined with the chemical composition of weed (Marijuana).
The best part about this tattoo that it is a watercolor tattoo which is in trend both girls and boys can get this design inked on their skin, it will look better on arms, back and chest.
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- This chemical composition of weed tattoo design is meant for girls, It’s too beautiful to see, Tattoo artist did a great job as She inked the whole chemical composition of weed or cannabis with Flowers and leaves it’s so pretty that you can get this design inked on your body wherever you want it will look better on your calf, shoulder, arm etc.
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- This chemical composition is also made up of Flowers and leaves but it is too basic if you don’t want to colorful and too vibrant tattoo design then you can go for this one. It’s so basic that you can get it inked on your shoulder, on your waist or near your bust area the wearer in this picture God this beautiful weed tattoo design inked on her shoulder.
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This weird tattoo design is also two basic and meant for both sexes, it should be your choice that where you want to get it end but it will look good more on your arms, shoulder, around neck area etc. Deviator in this picture got this beautiful tattoo inked on his arm.
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- This weed chemical composition tattoo design is made up of cannabis leaves and different shading techniques, it is an unisex design it will look good both on guys & girls. The wearer in this picture got this design inked on her arms we can also get it on your arm or on your thighs it should be your choice.
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- It is too simple it’s an unisex design, you can get it on your shoulder, arm, leg, thighs etc. The waiter in this picture got this tattoo inked Near his collarbone.
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- This chemical composition of weed tattoo design is looking very pretty as there is Flowers and snowflakes which are making its appearance very aesthetic and realistic this tattoo is not meant for boys girls can get this beautiful way tattoo design inked on their shoulder, lower back, or thighs. The wearer in this picture got this tattoo inked on her shoulder. Basically this tattoo is inked with black ink but if you want, you can ask your artist to use gradient shades to make it more colorful.
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- This weed tattoo design is unisex both can get it would look good on both of the genders, there is a very fine work done by artists in the picture there are weird leaves and buds Giving it an elegant, aesthetic look. In order to give this tattoo and realistic look the artist created this shadow of leaves and buds which are actually helping it in providing a realistic appearance, As it is providing the coverage to the larger surface of area you can get this beautiful tattoo inked on your arm or on your calf as per your Likeability. If you want to get it inked on your other body parts then you might have to adjust the size. The wearer in this picture got this tattoo inked on his arm.
Other aesthetic options for weed Tattoo Designs
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- This is a couple weed tattoo design, you can get this beautiful tattoo inked with your best friend in the tattoo there is one hand with lighter and the other hand with the joint which mean then you and your friend both complete each other like the lighter complete the joint, without the lighter We can’t use the joint, it signifies the relationship of you and your best friend.
This Is such a beautiful tattoo the wearer in this picture got this marijuana tattoo inked on their arms if you want you can get it in at the same place or you can try different body parts such as your shoulder, ankle, thighs, etc.
Source of picture: Pinterest
- This is a simple and beautiful weed tattoo design this is meant for girls it is very clear from its appearance. This tattoo is inked from black ink. If you want you can get the same design in gradient shade or in any other solid color. Well this tattoo is small in size which means you can get it on any part of your body such as on your arms, shoulder, near neck bone, thighs, angle, wrist, lower back, waist, etc.
Source of picture: Pinterest
- It’s a sketch of a devil smoking joint it’s pretty clear from its appearance that it is meant for boys. The wearer in this picture got this tattoo inked behind his ear and it’s looking pretty cool at that place, if you want you can get this tattoo inked at the same place or you can choose your own place to get this inked and if you choose any larger surface of your body you can use your creativity to give it a more smoky look which will make its Appearance more aesthetic prettier.
Source of picture: Pinterest
- in the tattoo there is a girl smoking joint which is giving this picture or Smokey black look and the way girl is covered with leaves of weed is giving a very aesthetic and realistic look to the tattoo. This tattoo is basically meant for the boys, the weather in the picture God to this beautiful picture inked on his arms and the coverage of this tattoo is pretty cool, if you want you can get this inked on your calf go for it as it would also look great at that place, but don’t try to get it inked on your chest or on your back.
Source of picture: Pinterest
- In this picture there is a girl smoking cannabis joint same as the picture listed just above this one the different is just that this one is angry with the colors and that one was black and white similarly in this picture there is a girl smoking joint and that smoke is giving a pretty cool smoky Look to this marijuana tattoo, The way tattoo artists used blue and white colors to give it a realistic look S/he nailed it. The wearer in this picture got this tattoo inked on his arm is it is giving quite good coverage to the on you can also try getting it on your arm it will also look good on your calf.
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- There is a weed Bud in the picture, who is drunk. The finishing off the tattoo is pretty good it’s looking cute the way this bird is handling the glass of alcohol, this is an unisex tattoo both male & female can get it inked on their skin, the color used to give it a realistic look are looking very pretty. The wearer in the picture got This marijuana tattoo inked on his thigh you can also get it on the same place or you can all also try different body parts such as your shoulder, ankle, wrist, lower back, waist, etc.
Source of picture: Pinterest
- This tattoo is about Hippie culture which mean to support and spread love and peace. Their symbol is weed if you are a supporter of hippie culture or you also believe in supporting and spreading love and peace, then you should also get this cannabis tattoo. It’s a very basic and simple design which both male & female can get inked on their skin there is a very light gradient shade we can see in the marijuana leaf and in the text as well. DV error in this picture got this marijuana tattoo inked on her arm you can also get this tattoo inked near your collarbone by reducing its size it would look good there, can you can also use the same design on your finger by reducing its size.
Source of picture: Pinterest
- This tattoo is presenting a combination of nature and AI sort of something, well the finishing of this tattoo is pretty good you can get this tattoo inked on your body wherever you want Because it is providing quite good coverage to your skin you can try it On the larger surface areas of your body such as your back, shoulder, arm, chest, stomach, thighs, calf, etc.
Source of picture: Pinterest
- From the appearance of this cannabis tattoo it is very clear that it is meant for boys and men. In the picture there are some marijuana leaves and money, the tattoo artist did a great job, S/he used different sort of colors, shades and shading techniques to give it an aesthetic and realistic appearance. The wearer in this picture got this beautiful weed tattoo design inked on his arm if you are making up your mind for getting this tattoo then you should also get this on your arm as it won’t look good on any other part of your body
Source of picture : Pinterest
Bob Marley Tattoo Designs
Bob Marley was a great musician he used to support and promote weed for its benefits and he also used to speak about the positive effects of weed that’s why people who are weed supporters get inked Bob Marley on their skin.
- In this picture Bob Marley is smoking a cannabis joint there is also a shade of weed leaves which I’m making the portrait much beautiful there’s also a bit of smoky look which is green in color. The viewer in this picture got this beautiful portrait inked on his leg you can get this inked on any part of your body as but your ability to bear pain.
Source of picture: Pinterest
- It’s a simple yet too beautiful portrait of Bob Marley, there are three colors we can see in the portraits green, yellow, red which signifies the rastafarian culture. The weather in this picture got this beautiful portrait inked on his arm you can get it into wherever you want.
Source of picture: Pinterest
Watercolor weed tattoo design
There is a new craze of watercolor tattoos and a lot of people are experimenting watercolor tattoos with weird tattoos and they’re looking very pretty here are some of them.
- This is a simple weed leaf tattoo designed for girls and woman it’s looking very pretty because of you different colors you can get it inked on your shoulder, calf, lower back, waist, etc. The wearer in this picture got this beautiful tattoo inked on her waist.
Source of picture: Pinterest
- It is also a simple leaf of weed, a tattoo design, the colors used for giving it a watercolor look are giving it a very aesthetic appearance that red yellow and orange color on the top is giving it a fire sort of look, and that green and blue color giving it a look of real leaf the wearer in this picture got this marijuana tattoo inked on her thigh you can get it inked on your other body parts such as well lower waist, shoulder, arm, etc.
Source of picture: Pinterest
Smoking Paraphernalia Weed tattoo designs
- This weight tattoo design is very girlish as there is a girl’s lip holding a marijuana leaf through her teeth it is looking very pretty. The details are very fine such as the gradient look of the leaf that green and the light pink shade are looking very pretty you can Get this tattoo inked on your arm, lower back, waist, ties, calf, etc. The weather in this picture got this beautiful tattoo inked on her calf.
Source of picture: Pinterest
- This weird tattoo design is meant for boys as it is giving a mescaline vibe there is a weed leaf in the tattoo smoking a joint And claiming itself as Devil’s lettuce. You can get this tattoo inked on your arm or on your shoulder it will look good on both of the places and the smoky look we got from the joint is killing it details are very fine such as the eyes of weed leaves are red due to smoking joint. The wearer in this picture got this tattoo end on his waist.
Source of picture: Pinterest
- These tattoos are unisex both men and women can get any of these tattoos. There is no direct significance of weed as there are the objects we use while smoking weed such as joint etc. These tattoos are so simple and basic you can get it wherever you want it will look good in small sizes as you can get it behind your ear, finger, wrist, ankle etc.
Source of picture: Pinterest
- This weed tattoo design is meant for girls as its appearance giving a feminine vibe, in the tattoo there is a hand holding a blunt from which You can get a smoky look. The bearer in this picture got this beautiful tattoo inked on her arm if you want you can get it inked at the same place or you can try different places such as shoulder, thigh, lower back, waste.
Source of picture Pinterest
- It’s an unisex tattoo both genders can get it inked on their skin the creature looking in the tattoo is a cannabis bud there is no specific place to get this weed tattoo design inked, you can get it inked wherever you want. It will look good on every part of your body. The wearer in this picture got this tattoo inked on his arm.
Source of picture Pinterest
- It’s an simple but elegant and aesthetic weed tattoo design in which there is a girl smoking weed and the smoke produced that is looking dope if you want to have a smoky look in your tattoo then you should definitely go for this one it’s an unisex tattoo both guys & girls can get it inked on their skin. The wearer in this picture got this tattoo inked on his arms if you want you can get it at the same place or you can try different parts of her body such as your shoulder, your thighs, your waist etc.
Source of picture Pinterest
Final words
Getting a tattoo shouldn’t be decided with light minded you should think properly before getting any sort of tattoo because once you get it, it to be will be a part of your skin forever.
You should never choose a tattoo in hurry, think with the relaxed mind that word sort of tattoo you need or which sort of tattoo perfectly defines your personality or your culture, religion etc. and that’s it for weed tattoo designs.
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