Weed Meme – Meme isn’t a new concept, it have been around forever in different forms. It is a sort of joke which has been occurring since human evolved their sense of humor; telling imaginary or real stories.
Over the past few years, memes have evolved rapidly, as every generation has a different form of culturally derived humor. it’s an observation of our day to day lives, which is humorous. It shows cultural relevant ideas with humor, while threading a thin line between bizarre and hilarious.
Memes, within the
cannabis community, aren’t very much different from typically social media memes, they just revolve around weeds. They have become a way to bond and laugh.
There is a collection of Weed Memes For True stoners.
1. It’s like a dream comes true for herb enthusiasts
Can’t wait anymore…..
Photo by pbs.twimg.com
2. I’m never gonna trust my kids for this again.
Once I’m back to normal, you are dead….
Photo by pbs.twimg.com
3. This isn’t your matter of concern. I know how much I smoke.
Don’t appreciate anyone’s disturbance, while vaporing……
Photo by i.pinimg.com
4. You should’ve prepared yourself for this.
Declaring bankruptcy is never easy…..
Photo by izismile.com
5. When learning goes wrong.
Need more learning sessions….
Photo by s3.amazonaws.com
6. It’s unbelievable that best weed memes page only have one photo of Snoop.
Admin was highhhh……
Photo by piximus.net
7. Sir, my engine is high AF.
Need a better stash to hide this stuff…
Photo by izismile.com
8. Money can fix all my problems if it started looking like this.
I want this money…..
Photo by pbs.twimg.com
9. When you love her but this is how she roll the joint. It’s better to learn how to roll perfect joint instead disappointing Waka Flocka.
Am I in love with the wrong person?….
Photo by 68.media.tumblr.com
10. What are you talking about, Weed?
Weed? No sir, we don’t smoke weed….
Photo by 68.media.tumblr.com
11. When you know now your are going to be dankrupt.
I’ll miss you my friend…
Photo by i.pinimg.com
12. When your dealer is never on time, and waiting for minutes feels like decades.
I want offer we get with pizza, if it’s not there in 30 minutes, it’s free…..
Photo by img.buzzfeed.com
13. If Instant realization had a face.
Wonder how I’ll manage here all day……
Photo by http://img.memecdn.com
14. You, telling a story that’s great, but please pass the mic to others.
How much do I need to wait…….
Photo by izismile.com
15. Homies turned out to be lighter thieves.
I’ve been looking for this, you bitch…..
Photo by pics.onsizzle.com
16. Roll me up and smoke me when I die.
A true stoner….
Photo by izismile.com
17. Cool dude! You can’t stop me.
Stop the car bitch, I’ll leave….
Photo by cannabisni.com
18. For a fact the best weed memes we love are also the weirdest weed memes.
Your friends always got your back……
Photo by pics.me.me
19. Start your day with Wake and bake for a successful day.
Getting high is my kind of success…..
Photo by brotherswithglass.com
20. When your mom trying to be a detective, but you are smart enough not to tell anything.
Better luck next time, mom….
Photo by img.buzzfeed.com
21. I like to smoke weed, on my way to smoke weed, while being high, looking at the best weed memes.
All I think about is Weed, weed and weed…..
Photo by i.pinimg.com
22. It’s not only an honor, but also an achievement.
Now we are on same page dude….
Photo by izismile.com
23. For a fact Sponge bob weed memes so dank.
Photo by i.pinimg.com
24. This weed meme is so much relatable as it’s a part of my profile.
Though I’m always high….
Photo by wattpad.com
25. This weed meme is just ridiculous. “I hope no one gets to know that I’m high”
Hope I’m acting normally…..
Photo by lovethispic.com
26. If you are not a stoner then this is to ruin your childhood.
No doubt that the best weed memes go hand in hand with classic cartoons.
Photo by 68.media.tumblr.com
27. “Being high” Sorry, mom, but my priorities are feeling good, not looking good.
Getting a haircut won’t make me feel happy…..
Photo by 68.media.tumblr.com
28. I knew they were called Looney Toons for a reason.
Photo by izismile.com
29. Do bears also love getting high? oh! What kind of language is this?
Agrhh! I’ll read it later….
Photo by i.pinimg.com
30. Which one she said, First window or second window?
Should I ask again?….
Photo by izismile.com
31. Wait! What if it also isn’t true.
A Dream in a Dream, feeling as if I’m Alice……
Photo by izismile.com
32. You my friend, yes you are invited to my house.
Everyone is invited to my house….
Photo by izismile.com
33. Wait What?.. isn’t it the right way to do it?
Ohh! God…..
Photo by pbs.twimg.com
34.Aah! yes I am high as duck, thanks for asking.
What the fuck, I’m high as Duck……
Photo by izismile.com
35. Yes.
Photo by izismile.com
36. Now, I can sleep until the sun gets high.
Photo by izismile.com
37. It is normal to see the world from different perspective, but this isn’t different, you’re just high bro!
Is it normal to visualize aliens? Of course not my dear….
Photo by 68.media.tumblr.com
38. Only few hours to freedom.
Can’t wait to get out of here…….
Photo by 68.media.tumblr.com
39. Are you tired of throwing away your roaches?
40. Never try weed at your workplace.
I said NEVER……
Photo by izismile.com
41. We guys have to work as a team now.
Photo by visiteiffel.com
42. When you are a true stoner and your phone knows that very well.
You are my truly soulmate…..
Photo by imgrum.net
43. When you love both Coffee and Weed.
A deadly combination I’d die for…..
Photo by I Will Post Whatever The Fuck I Want via Facebook
44. When you don’t have control on your self. Next time I’ll not try this technique.
Photo by Faces of Weed via Facebook That’s the right attitude!
45. Fed up with your job. Fuck it, That’s the right attitude.
Fuck everything my weed is waiting for me……
Photo by white boy so cool via app.massroots.com
Photo by fuck love_xo via weheartit.com
47. And Netflix asks “Are you still watching?”
Netflix, are you kidding me?….
Photo by Facebook via conservativememes.com
48. Enough to prove that cannabis are safer than mobile phones.
Choose wisely…..
Photo by http://@Weedfax via pictame.com Don’t play with my heart like that.
49. When seconds seems to be hours.
Waiting, and waiting, and waiting…….
Photo by http://imgsolsa.epac.to
50. Ew you are disgusting man, Cleanliness is next to Godliness.
Wait, what? Why the hell you guys are cleaning the bong…….
Photo by HAPPY DAYZ via Facebook
51. The eternal dilemma you face once you’re high.
I can die eating…….
Photo by weknowmemes.com
52. What a speeeed.
Can’tsee weeds. So, I decided to smoke it all……
Photo by The strain connection via Facebook.
53. Obama loves the best weed memes.
coolest President for a reason……
Photo by meme via meme.xyz
54. Where to find these sort of Friends?
Bestieee I’m waiting……..
Photoo by http://canacopegdl.com
55. Inhale blunts, exhale problems with smoke.
Lot of problems, only one solution…..
Photo by woah_dude_trippy via ifunny.co
56. Snoop’s waiting eagerly for his turn.
Am I a fool here?….
Photo by StonerComedy420_2016 via ifunny.co
57. ……Is it normal?
It’s my love…..
Photo by Darlington Cannabis Club via Facebook
58. Tweety went from 100 to 0 real quick.
Perfect example of expectations V/s reality…..
Photo by We Love The Herb via Facebook.
59. Conan O’Brien dropping the knowledge, you might need.
I really need this……
Photo by teamcoco via teamcoco.com
60. Yes! “I said yes”
Propose me like this, and I’m yours….
Photo by Legalize it, don’t Herb via Facebook
61. Being high and an environmentalist at the same time.
Yes! I’m a sunflower.
Photo by ladydox707 via deskgram.net
62. Dude how you deal with your sadness?
Photo by Boneheads BBQ via Twitter
63. Wondering how can you get high without smoking weed?
Your steak loved weeds……
Photo by Schwag420.com via Facebook
64. When a Marvel’s fan gets high for the first time.
No, Hulk is high……
Photo by citationslist.com via citationslist.com
65. It was rude, “ How the hell you are alive dude?”
You’re strange dude!….
Photo by dabsmoker via funnyjunk.com
66. Come to mamma honey!
Photo by u/whatsthatbutt via reddit.com.
67. It was supposed to be a bat and not needle!
You need to learn, how to roll joints……
Photo by Bakedzombie88 via ifunny.co
68. When your friends come to rescue you “ I’m lucky to have you buddies”.
You guys are lob…..
Photo by Cheech and Chong via facebook
69. A bag of weed is more important than anything else.
Gold, nahh! Give mea bag of weed, and I’d die for you…..
Photo by r/weed via reddit.com
70. When you have to convince your friend, so that you can have a company.
I don’t even care if any one knows…..
Photo by ShockAndAwe via ifunny.co
71. When you got same vibes.
we are going to be the best buddies….
Photo by weedmemes.com via weedmemes.com
72. That is such a tough time.
Dude! Do something….
Photo by Legalize it, don’t Criticize it via Facebook
73. The only thing makes you happy.
Only time I Feel happiness…..
Photoooo by meme via meme.xyz
74. When your homies know you well.
That’s mahh boy….
Photo by i.imgur.com/ via www.reddit.com
75. When you smoke to escape from the shit going in your life, but after getting high you’re still thinking about that shitt.
Life is a circle, you know…..
Photo by Ganj_Refer_Weed420 via ifunny.co
76. When your are stressed af.
Put that camera down and help me light up this shitt…..
Photo by marijuana via Facebook
77. Her grand children must be tagging her as “the best grandma ever”.
Grandma OP…..
Photo by WhiteTrash via Facebook.
78. When you are a die-hard stoner.
I’ll smoke weed, till my last breadth *coughs……
Photo by WeedFeed via ifunny.co
79. Try saving your drug dealer’s name as “ Not My Drug Dealer” and make it easy for the cops.
Not my drug dealer…..
Photo by img.buzzfeed.com via img.buzzfeed.com
80. When you are self sufficient and don’t need any one, once you are high.
I’ll talk to myself, but won’t reply you……
Photo by img.buzzfeed.com via img.buzzfeed.com
81. Why the hell charging my wallet didn’t workout ? Ughhh I’ve charged it whole night, it was supposed to have more money in it.
Charging my wallet didn’t worked for me……
Photo by img.buzzfeed.com via img.buzzfeed.com
82. It’s not delicious, it’s adorable.
Don’t use social media once you’re high.
Photo by img.buzzfeed.com via img.buzzfeed.com
83. Ok then I’m ready to die if it so.
But I won’t leave vaporing……
Source of Picture: Pinterest
84. My pet isn’t my friend anymore.
you cheated me, I’ll never have a pet again….
Source of picture: Pinterest
85. When You have no lighter for weed, but you are creative AF.
I’m gonna light it by hook or by crook…..
Source of picture: Pinterest
take my stuff gladly………
Source of picture: Pinterest
87. Effects of taking different doses.
Everyone is going through their own shitt.
Source of picture: Pinterest
88. When you are a drug dealer but also an environmentalist.
Cops: are you a drug dealer
Me: no I’m a Florist
Source of picture: Pinterest
That’s it for Weed Memes.
130+ Weed Puns : https://weedbonn.org/weed-puns/
100+ Weed Tattoos Designs: https://weedbonn.org/weed-tattoos-designs/
17 Best Weed Quotes For Your Next Instagram Caption : https://weedbonn.org/weed-quotes-ig/