Featured Image Credit: Csindy.com
If you smoke weed often, then you must also know that you can consume it in other ways as well. Marijuana Edibles are one such amazing way to experience the euphoric effects of weed without having to smoke or inhale it. So, if you get bored of smoking joints or inhaling vapes, then marijuana edibles can be a great refreshment.
One can make different edibles like candies, chocolates, brownies, etc. In all these edibles, you will require an important ingredient – Cannabutter.
If you are wondering, Cannabutter is a cannabis infused butter which can be further used to make cannabis edibles like Brownies, cakes, chocolates, etc. But making cannabutter is not as easy as it sounds.
Because of its psychoactive effects, the cannabis infused butter requires a little understanding as the flowers need to be heated slowly on a low flame. Thus, it takes longer for cannabutter to cook.
One of the easiest ways to make cannabutter instant pot or pressure cooker. Cooking cannabutter in pressure cooker will reduce the time required for cooking. Thus, many people prefer cooking cannabutter in a pressure cooker.
So, if you are wondering can you cook cannabutter in pressure cooker, then the answer is yes. Given below is the complete recipe that can help you cook cannabutter in a pressure cooker.
How to Cook Cannabutter in a Pressure Cooker?

Given below is a detailed recipe of cannabutter in an instant pot/ pressure cooker. Just make sure to follow the given steps with utmost attention. Also, it would be better if you gather all the required ingredients first to not get messy later on in the process.
Ingredients to cook cannabutter in pressure cooker are as below –
- Pressure Cooker/Instant Pot
- ½ ounce of the weed you prefer
- 1 cup butter
- Grinder/ Scissors
- 16 oz canning jar having 2 lids
- 2-3 cups water
- Funnel
- Cheesecloth for straining
Assuming that you have all your ingredients within a hand’s reach, you can start the process to make cannabutter in a pressure cooker.
Step 1: Decarb and Prep the Cannabis
Our first step would be to prep and decarb the cannabis. For this, you will have to put the cannabis after prepping in the instant pot or the oven. Now since we are making cannabutter in a pressure cooker, we will be putting it in the former vessel.
But first, Grind the cannabis till it is fine but not like a powder. Then put it in the canning jar and close the lid loosely. Now add 2 cups of water in the instant pot. Put the jar in the water. The setting should be such that the water reaches the middle of the jar. Make sure to add or remove the water accordingly.
After you have placed the jar correctly in the pot filled with water, put it on for 30 to 40 minutes on high. Once it is done, take the jar out and keep it aside.
Step 2: Add the Butter

Now is when you will add the butter in cannabis to make it cannabutter. Simply melt the butter in the microwave and then put this melted butter into the cannabis jar. Make sure to fill it till half way. Then stir this mixture and now put a new lid on the jar.
Put this jar into the pressure cooker again and then add water to it such that it reaches till the middle of the jar. Now cook this mixture at high pressure for 20 minutes.
Step 3: Let the Butter Cool
Once you have cooked the mixture, all the pressure cooker release pressure naturally. This can take up to 40 minutes. Just check that the ‘Keep Warm’ setting is on. Then remove the jar from the pot and let it cool down.
After the butter cools down, you can take the jar with bare hands and pour the cannabutter through a cheesecloth and funnel into another jar. This is to make sure that the weed remains do not stay in the butter. Put the lid on and your cannabutter is ready to use!
That was how easy it was to make cannabutter in a pressure cooker/instant pot. If this is your first try at making cannabutter in a pressure cooker, I would recommend you to start with small quantities in both making cannabutter and using it further for cannabis edibles.
Also, the effects of weed are stronger in consuming edibles than smoking or inhaling as weed directly enters your bloodstream via edibles. So make sure that you keep the quantities at a minimum.