Marijuana use dates back so far in human history that historians and archaeologists cannot even put a firm date on it. As far as we can tell, people have been using pot for as long as there have been people, or at least since they found it growing. It’s a natural plant with no harmful chemicals, yet is still widely regulated throughout much of North America.
However, many different US states and Canada are starting to allow for the usage of marijuana for medical use, and even recreational use, effectively decriminalizing the substance. For purveyors of pot, this is good news! You connoisseurs of cannabis can now go find high-quality bud strains at a cannabis dispensary near you!
Though in today’s world, with so many high-quality strains of different potency, your average smoker isn’t smoking pot out of a bong in the basement to just get high.
They’re consuming the cannabis through vaporizers, edibles and more to enjoy some of the pristine and positive benefits of the substance. But how do you know which bud strain is right for you? Here’s a little information that may help.
How Different Bud Strains Offer Different Benefits
There are a ton of different bud strains out there. Too many to name, to be honest. Not to even mention that people are busy in their labs mixing and matching different strains to create new hybrid strains.
However, they’re all broken down into two species of plant, if you will: Sativa and indica.
So what you’re getting out of your buds basically boils down to the benefits offered by each variety.
Sativa Benefits
This is the variety of plant that seems to be a little more popular and have a few more strains. If you’re new to the genre and waltz into a cannabis dispensary looking for high-grade stuff, then sativa is likely what they’re going to give you.
This green has a lot of benefits, like promoting cardiovascular health and supporting the nervous system. It’s also said to help stabilize your blood sugar, so it’s great for diabetics.
For people suffering withdrawals from harder substances, this species of planet does great with those symptoms. It also does things like improve skin by helping with blood circulation.
Indica Benefits
The other species of cannabis, indica, is what they give people suffering serious and chronic symptoms.
For instance, it’s what they’ll recommend to cancer patients who not only want pain relief but also need their appetite increased so they don’t lose too much weight.
It’s also great for people suffering muscle spasms. This bud’s high is far more relaxed and sedated, so it’s also the ideal species for anxiety and panic attacks. It can mellow you out quickly, while it also relaxes muscles and puts you in an overall calmer place.
Which is Right For You?
As to which is right for you based on your particular needs, well, they’re your particular needs and no one else’s.
So if you want something that’s going to help you with anxiety and perhaps cheer you up a bit from a bout of the blues, that’s going to be a different type of bud entirely if what you need is something that gives you a boost of energy and pep in your step. T
he key here is to really dig in and see if you can match a bud’s benefits to your particular needs. This is how you know that you’re getting something that you need, and not just a high.
It also helps to know how you will be taking your grass. Do you like the idea of big bong rips and massive cloud production, or are you more modern with your intake, preferring oils and edibles? If you don’t yet know which one you like, consider the following descriptions to hone in on your preferred experience.
Many different methods are possible if your aim is to ingest your marijuana or cannabis. Many companies are producing candies and chocolates, for example, that have reliable quantities of either THC or CBD.
Another popular choice for many is baked goods, including cookies, brownies and more. While ingestion doesn’t carry the uncomfortableness of smoking, it does take longer to feel the effects as it must first be absorbed in the stomach’s lining.
What are THC & CBD: Marijuana has many different active ingredients, called cannabinoids, which are the reason you get high after partaking. THC is the most abundant cannabinoid and is usually much more concentrated in sativa strains. On the other hand, CBD is occasionally present and negates many of the psychoactive effects of THC. It is usually more common in indica strains.
Inhalation is what most people think of when they think of partaking in marijuana, and for good reason. Cannabis can be smoked through a variety of methods, including pipes, bongs, water hookahs, joints and vapes. The way the vapour is produced can also vary, as traditional forms rely on totally burning the plant, whereas “vaping” only denatures the plant material.
Finally, we have absorption as a possible method of imbibing cannabis. This method relies on oils or fats that have been infused with THC, typically through a slow heating process over time. These can be put under the tongue or added to foods. The effects come on much quicker using this method due to the bloodstream’s proximity.
Locating the Best Buds for Your Individual Needs
For when it’s time to buy, the last thing you want to do is stop on some street corner or talk to a guy who knows a guy who can get you a deal. You need to deal with a professional dispensary. They have the highest quality buds and strains that are super potent and will actually provide the benefits you’re after.
Again, just getting a high isn’t worth your time or money. With premium bud, you can extract all sorts of benefits from it, depending on its type. Shop from the best source.