Ideally, marijuana is an amazing natural plant and not a synthetic substance. It consists solely of the stems, buds, leaves, and seeds from a plant formally referred to as Cannabis sativa.
This is usually smoked or cooked to release its psychoactive component, the chemical delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). The plant material from the marijuana plant may also be concentrated down into different substances like hash or an oily substance called hash oil, and even gummies could be made out of it. These items are also pretty much intoxicating as well.
However, a couple of synthetic drugs have been dubbed synthetic marijuana in the past few years and have hit the black market heavily. This was Initially legal, but the excessive and overwhelming abuse has caused a few regulations.
What Makes Synthetic and Natural Marijuana Different?
Synthetic marijuana is very different from natural marijuana because one occurs naturally while the other is made from chemicals. When there is an overdose of the synthetic form, the effects, reactions, and dangers are different from natural marijuana. Synthetic marijuana poses similar threats, effects, and dangers with certain narcotics, which causes more grave effects on individuals.
It is, however, unignorable that both of them initially work similarly in the consumer. Both substances have active properties that bind to the cannabinoid receptors in the brain after the user smokes or ingests the substance. However, the similarities stop there as synthetic marijuana has an entirely different effect on that receptor as against the effects of natural marijuana has on the receptors.
Synthetic marijuana is incredibly potent. This means that it takes just a little bit to have an effect, leading to dose control problems. Marijuana connoisseurs at have found ways to process natural marijuana and obtain safe extracts and can be made into different forms, such as candies.
These edible products have the same impact as natural marijuana on consumers, with little or no side effects if warnings are strictly followed.
Disadvantages of Synthetic Marijuana
There is no news that synthetic marijuana comes with many health risks that users rarely experience when using natural marijuana. Some of the effects may include the following:
- Nausea and vomiting
- Anxiety
- Agitation
- Racing heartbeat
- Tremors
- High blood pressure
- Muscle spasms
- Hallucinations
- Seizures
- Psychotic episodes
- Suicidal thoughts or behaviors
Additionally, it is important to note that the chronic use of the drug can lead to overdependence characterized by withdrawal symptoms when the person attempts to quit usage of the drug.
There are a couple of drugs that are classified and fall under the classification of synthetic marijuana. Each of them has its different effect, and they depend on things like the dose, method of intake, and other factors which will certainly make patients experience the drugs differently.
Due to this, it makes it hugely problematic and very difficult to treat the problem when patients come to the ER experiencing a medical emergency due to taking these substances.
A recent extensive report found that the number of ER visits caused by this group of drugs has drastically doubled in the past few years.
One of the reasons this happens is that the drugs are ever-changing in chemical content and often made with unknown and extremely dangerous contaminants.
There is no doubt that the various manifestations of marijuana can be contaminated, but when it is in its natural state, it is not inherently toxic. With the continuing trend to legalize marijuana both for medicinal and recreational purposes, there is greater and better regulation of the production and distribution of the drug and the products that contain THC.
This will likely increase and become more fine-tuned with time and constant regulations to protect consumers.

Is Smoking Marijuana Good?
Excessive smoking of both natural and synthetic marijuana can be a leading cause of the development of respiratory ailments, including chronic cough, frequent chest colds, and a higher risk of lung infections. Dependency is an ongoing risk of marijuana use as well.
According to a study published in the journal Addiction Science and Clinical Practice, almost nine percent of people who experiment with marijuana depend on the drug.
This is characterized by psychological and physical withdrawal symptoms when the user stops taking the drug abruptly. Many require treatment to avoid relapse in detox.
Many experts also recommend the consumption of products that contain THC to smoking. This way, consumers enjoy the feeling of ingesting the drugs without exposing themselves to the dangerous fumes from smoking.
Synthetic and natural marijuana are extremely different, although they can serve the same purposes. The use of synthetic marijuana is pretty much dangerous and harmful, and it is much more advisable to stick to the use of natural marijuana.