Smoking Weed Leaves – Generally, a person who is new to cannabis culture, get confused as if the leaves of marijuana commonly said as weed can be consumed to get high?
Today in this article, we will discuss the leaves of a special plant, which is pretty famous among weed consumers.
Can You Smoke Weed Leaves and Get High?
We will find out as if which part is to be used and which part should be avoided by an eater. Since cannabinoids is found all over the plant, so yes leaves of a weed plant can be taken in. But does it ge you high? Since cannabinoid ia chemical which is commonly found in marijuana that causes psychoactive and drug-like effect throughout your body, including your immune and central nervous system.
In marijuana, it’s the delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol(THC) which is the main active cannabinoid which is commonly consumed or looked after by active weed consumers.
The Confusion About What Part of the Plant You Smoke
However many people think that it’s the leaves that is used for smoking, but in reality, it’s the bud which is commonly smoked in. This thought generally resides in the new people who have just started to try weed for recreation.
Also because it’s the leaves of the plant which is branded for long not the bud, people recognize a plant from its leaves, you may find some logos and illustrations of weed leaves on weed seller’s T-shirt. Also, it’s the leaves which are harvested in tobacco plants.
So its easy to understand, why are the leaves of the weed plants are so recognized in weed smokers. The cannabis plant contains cannabinoid all over its body, keeping aside the stems and the roots of the plant, the resin gland that contains CBD are found all over the plant’s body.
However, some of the parts like fan-leaves contain only a certain amount of CBD or THC cannabinoids.
This makes the lives eatable, but if you want a good high, you will be disappointed if you depend solely on leaves. As said earlier, it’s the bud that has all those produce charming recreational effects on the body of a smoker. This is all because of the sticky crystals that you see around the bud.
It contains a high potency compared to that of the leaves of the plant.
Typed of weed leaves: Fan leaves, Sugar leaves and trimmings
In case you really want to test some weed leaves, I’ll suggest you go for the sugar leaves rather than fan leaves which will give you a better highness than that of the fan leaves. But why is it so? Are sugar leaves filled with sugar? Are all leaves different in a weed plant? Is a type of it dangerous? We will see all of these further in this article.
Sugar Leaves/Trimmings
Sugar leaves are the good pieces of stuff that you would consider choosing over fan leaves. You will find these leaves in near the buds, mostly the smaller ones.
These leaves are so-called because of the trichomes with which it is surrounded. It gives it a look as if sugar crystals surround it.
The fact that trichomes contain THC in it makes it a better choice. Its THC which takes you high, however, leaves contains a bit less THC than you usually find in the buds of a weed plant. You need to take in a good amount of it for smoking to get high.
Although In India these weed leaves have a very different purpose of serving on the days of holi, a part of recreational purpose these leaves are served to Lord Shiva on Shiv Ratri.
Trimmings is something which is trimmed off a plant, and these leaves are also trimmed off a plant. The most effective part of leaves is those who are near the bud. Both buds and the trimmings are full of trichomes, and both of these are totally good for smoking purpose.
Fan Leaves
The structure and appearance of these leaves is what makes it most popular in this industry. Anyone who wants to represent weed, they use logos and illustration of these leaves. So even if it lacks in recreational property, yet it has some importance. These leaves are the most noticeable thing on the plant; it’s green and grows far from the buds. It does not have any high potency, but people take it for fun purpose. These leaves can grow farther away from the buds and are large. These leaves are the one which contains chlorophyll and soaks up light for the plant to make food for them.
So rather than soaking in a huge amount of fan leaves, better leave it and go for some trimmings as soaking in a huge amount would cause you more health issue than taking you high.
Making Hash or Edibles w/ Weed Leaves
It’s same to make edibles from leaves as making in buds. The only thing to keep in mind is, you need to take more amount of leaves than you would have taken buds.
In case you want to make Hash, be careful while using sugar leaves and trims, as these two things together can wear you away. Mostly trims are used by most commercial growers to make Hash. Try making bubble Hash rather than using concentrate solvents to make the same.
Best Time to Eat Leaves
As we now know that THC is the most important factor for getting you high, but did you know that it is produced only in a certain period of plant’s life cycle. Many believe that curing is good before smoking weed.
As soon as the plant reaches its maturity, it’s harvested by farmers; first, they allow these plants to get dry. Once these are dry enough, it is then to be stored in an airtight container so that it can sit and cure.
Keeping cannabis in an airtight container mellows out its odour and lessens its harshness on the throat while smoking. After they are cured, the product will give you the most of THC maintaining the smell and taste.
In case you didn’t cure these buds and trims, most probably you will face a lot of harsh taste and sore throat. However, you will still feel high in that case. But if you plucked these leaves before it reaches its maturity, i.e. in its vegetative state, its most likely give you no results, as the trichomes which generally grows in the flowering state haven’t yet reached. So keeping a bit of patience can give you a good result.
So now we reached the end of this article. And I guess, you now understand everything that s necessary for you before you think of trying some leaves of weed plants.
Cure it before you start smoking it, harvest or trim after you find the plant has reached full maturity and better go for the leaves which are near that of buds, which contains more trichomes than that of fan leaves.
Eating or smoking regular amount of may not take you to desirable highness, so you need to consume more of it. This low THC will also help you in case you are stressed, but only take it after consulting your doctor first. That’s when you smoke weed leaves.
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