Have you faced the challenge of traveling with cannabis yet?
Whether you take a road trip in a car, fly, take a train, or ride the bus, it can be very tricky to stay on the safe side of the law when attempting to transport a product that is, at best, quasi-legal.
Even if the state where you reside has lenient recreational regulations, out-of-state travel always poses problems.
The good news is that there are several strategies for overcoming the inherent problems of getting from Point A to Point B when flying with cannabis products in your luggage.
The first step involves knowledge of the law, so be sure to do a quick review of your local rules for transporting products. Here are several suggestions that will make any trip easier.
Study the Route
There’s no need to earn a law degree just to take a fun road trip. The first step, if you choose to travel by car, is to know the laws of the states you’ll be going through.
If it’s a simple case of going from one cannabis-friendly jurisdiction to another, with nothing else in between, you’ll still have to be careful because most state laws are strict about transporting cannabis across state lines.
If your entire trip is in-state, and there are lenient recreational laws in place, you’re probably on the safe side.
Pack Your Vaporizer
Vaporizers are legal, so there’s never a problem bringing yours along for the ride or flight.
Because you might be purchasing products to put into the vaporizer after you reach your destination, make sure to have a high-quality product.
The best way to do that is to shop carefully and review several of the better vaporizers before choosing one that meets your needs.
Keep in mind that dry herb and herbal devices deliver the best user experience because they vaporize substances as close to the source as possible, which means what you inhale is purer and cleaner than oils and wet herbs vaporized in other ways.
Consider Buying After Arrival
If you want to sidestep all the potential legal hassles, buy your product after arriving at the destination.
Because shipping via mail and taking cannabis on a plane are pretty much out of the question (see below), it’s easy enough to save time by waiting until you arrive and buying what you need from a licensed local dealer, assuming your vacation spot is in a legalized recreational country or state.
Don’t Ship It
No matter what the laws are in your home and destination, shipping cannabis via the mails is a legal no-no and can get you in serious trouble.
That’s why, even if you purchase cannabis from a licensed seller in a legal state, they can’t ship it directly to your home. Instead, it’s supposed to ship to a licensed dealer in your hometown, from whom you take in-person delivery.
Don’t Fly with It
The friendly skies are not cannabis-friendly. Airport security squads say they are not looking for cannabis, but there’s a catch. If they find some during a routine search of your belongings, you’ll face a world of trouble.