These days, everyone seems like a CBD expert. However, many of the most commonly-repeated myths and facts about CBD oil aren’t entirely correct. In this post, we’ll explore 5 myths and facts about CBD… did you know them all?
Below, we’ll cover some of the most common facts and myths about CBD and CBD oil. Go ahead, peruse through this list and see how well you really know CBD.
1: CBD is a Sedative-MYTH
CBD has a reputation for being a great sleep aid and reducing anxiety. Anecdotal evidence (and even some scientific studies) report that CBD possesses sedative properties. But CBD itself might not actually be the reason for the sedation that patients experience.
One study noted that CBD isn’t sedative. Instead, it can actually promote alertness and wakefulness. How is this seemingly contrary data possible?
Research suggests that, although some CBD extracts can act as sedatives, CBD isn’t the culprit. Instead, terpenes that exist in CBD extracts (notably myrcene) appear to demonstrate sedation. Keep that in mind if you ever try to use CBD isolate to help you fall asleep!
2: CBD is New-MYTH
CBD is a relatively new addition to the American public consciousness. It only became legal after the 2018 Farm Bill ended hemp prohibition nationwide. That’s when the majority of Americans became familiar with the common cannabinoid.
However, CBD is nothing new. In fact, historians have documented CBD use across countless cultures over thousands of years. Indigenous peoples in China and eastern Europe used CBD in the form of hemp to relieve pain beginning up to 5,000 years ago.
Ok, so humans have used hemp for centuries-but CBD itself is still new, right?
Wrong. In fact, the same historians note that humans first isolated CBD from cannabis in 1942. So while the fate of Europe was hanging in the balance, Americans were spending their time dabbling with cannabinoids.

3: CBD Requires THC to Function-FACT
THC and CBD have vastly different reputations. While CBD enjoys fame for its possible medical benefits, THC’s infamy lies in its psychoactive “high.” We often talk about them in isolation and treat products as if they are one or the other.
But like most things, the truth about THC and CBD holds far more nuance. Studies show that CBD actually requires some amount of THC to function. That’s one of the reasons that CBD extracts may contain 0.3 percent THC or less and remain federally legal. Without any THC, CBD’s effects are notably muted.
4: CBD is Unregulated by the FDA-MYTH
This myth actually goes hand-in-hand with our previous fact. The FDA does in fact regulate CBD. Any CBD extract must contain less than 0.3 percent THC. Otherwise, it will only be legal in states that recognize recreational cannabis.
The FDA has also recognized a CBD-based drug to treat certain specific forms of epilepsy. This is another way that the organization regulates and controls CBD in the US. There are plenty of untested CBD products out there, however, so always stick with a known entity.
5: CBD Oil and Hemp Oil Are the Same-FACT
Some companies market their hemp extracts as “hemp oil.” Others call it “CBD oil.” Is there really a difference between these two terms?
Not really. Both CBD oil and hemp oil come from the same place: hemp plants. Extractors remove plant matter from hemp plants, leaving nothing behind but cannabinoids like CBD and flavor compounds known as terpenes. In addition, some CBD oils can be made from cannabis instead of hemp. These CBD oils are only available in states that have legalized medical or adult-use marijuana.
With that being said, keep an eye out for any type of oil marketed as “hemp seed oil.” To the untrained eye, it may seem the same as hemp oil. However, hemp seeds don’t actually contain any CBD. As a result, neither does hemp seed oil. If you’re looking for an extract with CBD in it, stay clear of hemp seed oil.

Stock Up on CBD
Hopefully, you learned something from our list of CBD oil myths and facts. And if you’re interested in learning more, you can experience CBD for yourself. Browse this extensive stock of CBD-based products like oils, topicals, and more. Who knows, you may find your new favorite product!