One of the most popular ways of consuming marijuana is preparing its edibles at home and enjoying them with friends during a house-party or a sleep-over.
Some new consumers do not prefer smoking it, for them, the edibles are the on-go. Cooking some cannabis edibles is the loveliest way to bring the flavor of the buds and your creativity altogether, and that too with the whir of the much-beloved herb.
So, here we are to provide you 5 super-simple edible recipes that will get you going to the kitchen. Let’s traverse through some recipes of the best cannabis edibles that your taste buds have ever come across.
1. Marijuana Brownies
This classic edible is just-so-easy to prepare. Cannabis brownies are straightforward to make and probably the most popular cannabis-infused edible. You may use cannabutter or cannaoil to make these brownies, with all other common ingredients that you need for a recipe of brownies.
Melt some chocolate in a large glass bowl and add the cannabutter to the melted chocolate, mix it well. Then mix in the vanilla essence, a pinch of salt and some coconut sugar. Take three eggs and add them one-by-one, mixing each until getting fully incorporated. Now mix in the flour and walnuts and prepare a batter with the help of a mixer or grinding weed in a grinder. Place a parchment paper on your baking pan and grease it with some cannabutter, you may use a silicone brush for the greasing purpose. Pour the batter into the baking pan and bake it for 20-30 minutes. Cut it into pieces once it’s cooled down, and store it. You can keep the brownies stored in a refrigerator till a week.
2. Cannabis Bacon
The salty treat of bacon will always be evergreen in its style. In addition to that, you will have some cannabis-infused bacon grease leftover that you can keep for use in other dishes later. Let’s see how.
Making your weed bacon is very easy and simple. First, decarb your weed and get them ground coarsely. Now take a few slices of bacon and sprinkle those decarboxylated and ground flowers on one side of each bacon slice. Bake the pieces at 275 degrees Ffor 10 minutes. Now, take them out and sprinkle ground flowers on the second side and bake them for another 10 minutes, and your cannabis bacon is now ready to eat.
3. Weed Ice Cream
Sometimes, you don’t have mood for a baked dish and that’s where this cold and refreshing treat comes in. This ice cream may also be a perfect way for finishing a meal. Let’s find out the simplest way to make it.
Take a saucepan and put 500ml of double cream into it and heat this on your oven at a medium temperature. Wait until it starts forming bubbles. Now, set it aside and let it cool down. Use a separate saucepan to get 75 grams of sugar and 50 grams of cannabis butter melted. Now, mash up some fruits such, for example, strawberries and bananas or some dry organic products in a bowl. Now, add all the things together and mix them well. Get a large container and pour the mixture, and place it inside the freezer overnight.
4. Marijuana Tea
This recipe is super quick and also super easy. Get yourself a nice little potion by brewing just a cup of tea with the use of a teaspoon of cannabutter if you have some of it stored in your refrigerator.
You just have to follow the steps you usually do to brew a cup of tea, in the end, stir in a little amount (one teaspoon) of cannabis butter. Sweeten the tea with honey, adding milk is optional. And in no time you will be buzzing at your best.
5. Cannabis-Infused Honey
Take one cup of honey and 3.5 grams of cannabis. Now, decarb the cannabis with the help of your non-stick pan by placing it on a 245-degree temperature for 30-40 minutes. Older cannabis is usually drier than the other ones, so they need lesser time to get decarboxylated. Ground the buds coarsely.
Now take a double boiler and mix the honey and the ground buds and simmer the mixture on your stove; let it simmer on a low heat for at least 40 minutes. Do not let the mixture come to a full boil. Now let the honey cool down, and line a funnel with cheesecloth and set it on a jar, and pour it over; let it strain freely inside the jar. You can store the honey in a cool and dark area for 1-2 months.
Wrapping Up
It’s always said by the people who consume weed that these buds tend to make the surroundings better: food, games, music, and even some late-night extracurricular activities.
So, it is high time that you take a step further and cook weed edibles on your own, and enjoy them during your day in and day out. Also, some options can make any meal delightfully cannabis-infused, such as cannabutter or cannaoil.