Hash (Hashish) is a particular sort of cannabis extract and it is made by breaking up the trichomes from the marijuana plant. These trichomes are crystal-like tiny particles; the cannabis plants (especially the flowers) are full of these pieces all-over.
Cannabinoids like CBD or THC are found in these particles with the highest concentration. Terpenes, which are responsible for the distinct aroma of the buds, are also present in these particles.
Now let’s come to the process that is followed to make hash. The trichomes are separated from the leaves, stems, and buds; then they are pressed and heated and a concentrated and powerful form of cannabis comes out. The pressed blocks that come out by the process, vary in color.
The hash is golden brown if the quality is high; and if the hash is slightly green, the quality of the hash is poorer, the greenish tint is seen due to the presence of more plant matters.
Methods for Making Hash
To make hash, trichomes are to be separated from the dried cannabis trimmings. A fine powder (which is often referred to as ‘kief’) is to be formed, and the powder is heated and pressed into a block and thus hash is formed.
Let’s dig through some methods which may lead you to a great result:-
Method 1: Dry Sifting
This form makes hash with some very easy steps and the method is quite popular. A fine sieve is used for sifting cannabis trimmings and a kief is created which is highly potent. The kief is pressed into a block in the end.
If you want the best results, you may put your cannabis in a zip-lock pouch and get them frozen overnight; the trichome will be detached from the plant material more easily if you try this trick.
Things that you need-
- Cannabis trimmings
- Silkscreen
- Baking paper
- A credit/debit card (or a similar object)
Now let’s see the step-by-step processes:-
- Find a clean surface (e.g.:- your kitchen slab) and place a sheet of baking paper. The piece of the baking paper should be a little larger than the silkscreen you have.
- Put the silkscreen on the baking paper and place the cannabis trimmings there on the silkscreen; make sure there is no large piece of cannabis.
- Now separate the trichomes from the plant material by moving the trimmings around your silkscreen tenderly. Soon you will begin seeing the little measure of kief being shaped on the baking paper underneath the silkscreen.
- The kief beneath the sieve should be 10-20% of the total trimmings you have used. For instance, usage of 100g of trimmings can roughly create 10g of kief. Keep rolling the trimmings around until that amount of kief isn’t formed.
- After sifting the entire trimmings that you took, collect the kief and press it to form the hash block. Forming a nice pile on the baking paper will be easier with the use of a credit card like object. And then press the pile into a tiny hash-block.
Method 2: Hand Rolling
This method is the simplest way for making hash. The process does not need any equipment. This conventional strategy for making hash is practiced in a couple of regions of India and Nepal.
The process goes like this-
- Thoroughly clean your hands before you start. Avoid using scented hand soap.
- Take a cannabis bud.
- Start rolling the bud gently between your palms in a circular motion. Remember not to put too much pressure.
- At a point in time, you will see a black and thick resin forming on the inner side of your fingers and palms. Well, that is the hash (charas). Take a perfect surface and scratch this hash. Create a tiny ball or block pressing all of it together.
Method 3: Using Bubble Bags
This is another technique for the purpose and you need some specific gear for this strategy. The method efficiently produces large yields.
Things you need-
- Cannabis mesh bags (e.g.:- Ice-O-Lator, comes with several sizes of meshes)
- Cannabis trimmings
- Ice water
- A wooden spoon
- 2 buckets
Now, follow the steps-
- Put plenty of ice and your cannabis trimmings into a bucket and submerge them with water.
- Keep stirring the mixture for the next 15 minutes so that the cold water makes the trichomes brittle. They will be breaking off into the water because of the slight agitation.
- Take another bucket and set up your mesh bags and secure them by curling their tops around the edge of the bucket. Put the bags in ascending order, starting with the finest mesh.
- Pour the mixture carefully into the mesh bags and wait for 15 minutes, let the water drain into the bucket.
- Hold the first mesh back taking it out of the bucket and pour ice water into it and shake the bag slightly so that the remaining trichomes get washed out. Now put the bag aside.
- Repeat the same process with each of the bags.
- Get the hash from different bags dried separately. Use a non-stick surface for the drying process. Once they are dried, press each pile into different blocks.
Method 4: Using a Mechanical Drum
This is the most professional method for the same. The drum is a big silkscreen that spins if you turn it on. You just have to put your trimmings in the drum and switch it on. The drum will turn and in this way make the cannabis rub against the silkscreen, making profoundly strong kief.
Method 5: Blending
This is a very easy and simple method for creating hash blocks. You only need a few household objects.
Here’s what you need for the process-
- Ice water
- Cannabis trimmings
- Silkscreen
- Blender
- One coffee filter
- An extra-large jar (made of glass)
The step-by-step process:-
- Take the blender and put your trimmings with plenty of water and ice. Get the entire thing blended into a frothy mixture.
- Use your silkscreen to drain the mixture into the glass jar and wait for 30 minutes so that the mixture settles.
- The little amount of sediment that you see at the bottom of the glass-jar after waiting for about half an hour, is the hash essentially.
- Slowly pour off 2/3 of the water but be careful about not losing any of the hash from the bottom of the jar.
- Put more ice water, to the highest level of the container, and wait for the blend to get settled. Now pour off the mixture just the way you did before. Repeating the steps helps you to separate the plant materials from your hash.
- After draining off as much water from your jar as possible, use a coffee filter to strain the remaining mixture and then squeeze the particles very gently removing the excess water.
- The cold and damp mass that remains is the hash, get it dried before you enjoy it in a bong or joint.
We hope these popular ways of making hash will guide you to make enjoyable blocks. You just need to keep one thing in mind, you should not miss using anything from the plant to make hash, from buds to flowers, from leaves to stems, everything in the plant contain trichome.
Just make proper use of them and be sure that the outcome is going to be amazing.